The roller coaster day
1/12/2006 04:34:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Ok so I have a lot of those it seems but today was interesting. I woke up the first time about 6:30 this morning and was mildly disappointed that I didn't hear from my husband. If he gets online, it is usually around 5 am my time. Well I fell back asleep, with my son in my bed. This is not a comfortable situation. I'm a big girl and for the next few months I'm sleeping in a twin bed(we didn't have the money for a new bed before my husband left and since we had an extra twin bed I decided to put up the air mattress and sleep in it until my husband comes home for R&R or I just find the deal I can't refuse.)
Now my son and I fit fine in the twin bed together..the problem is he doesn't exactly sleep fair. He is a bed hog and moves around a lot. For the next 4 hours he tossed and turned and even went sideways at one point with his feet on my shoulders. This had me laying on my side plastered to the wall. If I wanted to roll over I had to make sure I wasn't going to squish flailing hands. He half woke up about 10:30 and rolled, literally rolled, out of my bed and went to his room. He laid down and watched a movie while I dozed off for yet another hour. I freaked out when I realized how late it was and got up, but I was still so very tired. I didn't know what my deal was.
I came downstairs and got on the computer to check my email and things of that nature. A friend of mine was on so I asked how she was. Well that ended up in an hour of not so great conversation and lets just say I'm not so sure of how well our friendship is going to last. At one point she had me crying..
I logged off yahoo a while later and made brownies for my FRG meeting and some lunch for my son and I. I hadn't even gotten dressed at this point because i knew I would make a mess making brownies..good thing too. The bag opened funny and I ended up sprayed with brownie mix. Anyway the brownies were done and I had eaten. I was doing other things while on the computer and I really should have been cleaning. Well I had an hour and half to get things ready for us to walk out the door. NOT a big deal right? It's only two of us after all....wrong.
My son didn't want to eat his lunch...he didn't want to go upstairs and take a bath. He didn't want to get dressed, he didn't want to let me get ready.I got his busy bag together and we made it out the door at exactly the time I needed to be so that i could check the mail, water my plants and get his seat out of the car. Well all of that took a lot less time than I figured because I had hardly no mail and I really just over planned how long it would take. Big mistake. Twice I had to force him inside to wash his hands because he played in the dirt and rocks that are near my door...this isn't counting the two times i washed them in the faucet outside. The last time I took him inside, he threw himself on the floor screaming. I literally had to drag him into the bathroom, wash his hands then drag him back outside. Of course he stops crying as my ride pulls up. We get everything in the car and head off to our FRG meeting.
At the meeting I'm so glad to be with other adults even though I only know two of these women. I leave my son in the room wit the other kids and the brave man who is watching them. We can still see them..he's more of just the wrangler keeping them busy. We do a getting to know you game and I meet one more person. I have to get up and fuss a at my son twice because he's being soooo loud. I'm getting good information here, things are going well with the meeting. Our FRG leader's daughter trips and starts crying so she goes and picks her up and continues with the meeting. All of the sudden she stops talking and starts freaking out screaming "you guys, what's wrong with my kid?" We couldn't tell at that moment but it became really obvious she is having a seizure. This little girl is like 18 months old and our FRG leader is scared. I think we all were a little scared. Several women knew what was going on and were able to help. Someone called 911 and I tried to keep the kids in the other room because they were being kids and making all sorts of comments and staring. After what seemed like forever, the ambulance came and they took her off to the hospital. The meeting was obviously over so we began the clean up and people started leaving. My son was brought to me by another woman who said that when she tried to take a toy away from him he attacked her. I think attack might have been too strong of a word but i have no doubt he fought with her. A year ago I would never have thought he would fight with an adult but now ..I'm just not so sure what he wouldn't do at this point. I noticed he was missing a shoe and went looking for it only to be told by the man that had been watching them that my son had thrown it at him. What is going on with my kid!?! I'm mad at my son, worried for my FRG leader and trying to find the woman who was going to be my ride home...whom I had never met before! My son screamed for about ten minutes because i made him leave. The woman who brought us home was really nice and figured he was just tired. He got home and ended up falling asleep on the he's wide awake. God,what a day it was.
My FRG leader sent out an email saying that it was a febrile seizure and they were able to get the little girls fever way down and she was doing so much better. I'm really relieved.
A.F. came to visit today so I'm sure that contributed to my emotional day...I'm just glad it's over. Now I get to fight the kid who had a nap and try to get him to go to sleep...I pray that tomorrow is blessedly uneventful.
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