Enough already!
1/21/2006 03:15:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen

If the fact that I wanted to take my head off already wasn't bad enough, I have spent all day listening to the thump thump of my new neighbors stereo, tv, whatever! Since a little before noon, or at least that is when I noticed it, it has been almost non stop. They stop once in a while, or turn it down to a bearable thump level, but my God they are loud.
When I introduced myself to the man yesterday he warned me that they liked to play poker on Friday nights and could get a little loud. I was thinking they would be loud as in laughing yelling that sort of thing and well I just have to shut my windows for that. I had no idea it would be non stop thumping and not just when they have company! I am a very agreeable neighbor...be loud..I don't mind, but I can't handle the thumping. I can handle it in smaller doses, but I swear I'm to the point I want to scream and it's just day 1. I don't know what I'm going to do. I am not a confrontational type. If it turns out it is just a once in a while thing and when he is at work it's quieter, then I think I'll be able to deal. If it is a constant thing, I might have to say something. They moved here from another complex off post so you would think they would know how to be a little more considerate. I'm really wondering if it's bothering my neighbors on the other side of these people. They are not going to get as much of the booming as I am because of the way the townhouses are set up, but if it is bothering them, then they will say something. If it turns out to be a more than once a week thing, then I will say something. Especially if it is an all night thing that keeps my son up. I guess we will see. It does seem to be quietening down a little. I can now hear them talking, which doesn't bother me in the least. I can still hear the thumping but it is at a tolerable level.
Today was totally uneventful. My son had a meltdown and it seemed to be over the fact that he wanted McDonald's and I couldn't bring him. I really think there was something much more to it because the crying he was doing is not his whinny I'm mad cry. It was the cry that breaks my heart. I think he was really missing his dad and all of that. I ended up getting him pizza. I had a coupon for a free one and it seemed to make him happy. We played outside while we waited for the pizza to come. He was thrilled.
I was annoyed when at six this morning some twit messaged me using the yahoo mobile feature. I had only been asleep maybe 3 hours and he would not leave me alone. I couldn't block him because he was not on my buddy list. I did let the feature where if I don't answer so many times then it doesn't allow any more messages from the sender option kick in. In the meantime, he messaged me every five minutes for an hour. I would have turned off my phone, but I'm always paranoid I'm going to miss my chance to talk to my husband, even though I know I won't hear from him until sometime next week. The idiot just messaged me a little bit ago and I totally went off on him then I blocked him! I have no patience for annoying people on messengers. I do not wish to cam, cyber, or be friends with anonymous people who can't even respect the basics. the only reason I answered in the first place is because the user name reminded me of one a friend had at one time.
On an entirely different note, I added a link/ad type thing to my sidebar. I had help of course, but I was so glad I was able to figure out the right place for it. Maybe i will be able to do some more things now. Please check out the link if you haven't already. This woman does some really great work!
I think I am going to stop for now. If anyone has any idea for some relief from a cold/sinus thing that doesn't involve drugs, then please let me know. I'm taking aleve for the headache/body ache, but it's not working all that great and I can't take anything like a cold medicine/decongestant because they totally knock me out and I've got to worry about a son who will do things he's not supposed to if I'm unconscious.
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