70 things you didn't know about me.
1/29/2006 01:12:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen

Ok so I'm supposed to be doing dishes. Instead I'm doing silly surveys on myspace. I decided to do this one here.

there's no number 1!

2. Are you a lover or a fighter? Both

3. What's your worst fear? Lately, my husband not coming home.

4. As a kid were you a lego maniac? not really

5. What do you think of reality tv? Depends on the show

6. Do you chew on straws? yes. Totally have an oral fixation.

7. Were you a cute baby? Yes. My son looked like me too.

8. Is the single life for you? No!!

9. What color is your keyboard? Black

10. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes

11. Have you ever bungee jumped? No way in hell you are getting me to do this.

12. Any secret talents? sure but they are only for a lucky few to know ;)

13. What's your ideal vacation spot? anywhere with my husband.

14. Is Jay Leno funny? Rarely

15. Have you eaten sushi? MMMM Yummy.

16. Have you ever seen the movie, Donnie Darko? Never heard of it.

17. Do you give a damn about the ozone? Yes of course

18. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? How ever many you lick before you are there.

19. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? Yep

20. Have you ever been on an airplane? No, I swam to Hawaii.
23. What's your stand on hunting? Only kill what you are going to eat and shoot to kill.

25. Do you like your handwriting? Yes

26. What are you allergic to? lots of airborne stuff.

27. When was the last time you said "I love you"? Not taht long ago.

28. Is Elvis still alive? No.

29. Do you cry at weddings? yes

30. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled with cheese

31. Are blondes dumb? Some are but so are others with different hair colors.

32. Where does the other sock end up? Dogs steal them and use them to barter on the doggy black market.

33. What time is it? 21:17

34. Do you have a nickname? Baby and Jen

35. Is McDonalds disgusting? Sometimes

36. When was the last time you were in a car? About two weeks ago.

37. Do you prefer showers or baths? baths if I have a really big bathtub..otherwise a shower

38. Is Santa Clause real? In spirit yes.

39. Do you like to have your neck kissed? mmmm yes

40. Are you afraid of the dark? sometimes
41. What are you addicted to? the internet

42. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Creamy

43. Can you crack your neck? No

44. Have you ever been inside an ambulance? no

45. How many times have you brushed your teeth today? 1

46. Is drug free the way to be? Yes!!

47. What color are your eyes? hazel/grey/bluish

49. When's the last time you cried? Yesterday when my husband told me he needed me.

50. Do you like your life? Most of the time.

51. Who's better mac or pc? PC

52. Are you psychic? Depends on what you view as psychic.

53. Have you ever read "Catcher in the Rye"? No

54. Do you play an instrument? no

55. Have you ever stolen money? No

56. Can you snowboard? No

57. Do you like camping? Yes!!

58. Do you snort when you laugh? Sometimes

59. Do you believe in magic? Yes

60. Are dogs a mans best friend? depends on the dog and the man

61. Do you believe in divorce? In certain situations yes

62. Can you do the moonwalk? I have no idea

63. Do you make a lot of mistakes? yeah I think I probably do.

64. Is it cold outside today? never

65. What was the last thing you ate? chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese and baby carrots.

66. Do you wear nailpolish? very rarely

68. What's the most annoying TV commercial? almost all of them

69. Do you shop at American Eagle? No

70. Favorite band at the moment? I don't have one.

I know...you are thinking "did we really need to know all of this" humor me. I was bored and this just was more fun than doing dishes.

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