New banner
1/21/2006 11:52:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
I added a new banner today and since I know that most of you who click on it are going to go "what the heck?" I thought I would explain it. It is a link to which is a site owned by a friend of mine. It is home to many of his personal creations, and is also home to the site for a role playing game that I take part in.
The first thing most of my family and a few of my friends thought of when I said role playing to them was of that of the sexual nature. To this I say, get your minds out of the gutters. Think more along the lines of Dungeons and Dragons or Vampire the Masquerade. I honestly don't remember what they based this rp off of as it was very well estabilshed when I joined it. My husband introduced me to online text roleplaying not long after we were married, but it took about three years for me to decide to play and really get into. We play on mIRC and although this is a small game compared to some, it is very much fun and the people who run the channel have put a lot of creative effort into it.
Now you know what the banner is about. I'm off to watch High School Musical!
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