Tis the season..
12/21/2005 12:33:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
I don't know if it was the holiday spirit or the fact that military families just naturally tend to look out for eachother, but today I was shown some of that holiday spirit and it touched me. I don't know the neighbors that are still here very well. Before today I had met the wife a few times and their son had come over to play one day but that was about it. The husband had spoken to my husband several times and they all seemed nice enough. Today the husband was out cleaning his patio after having cut his grass and my son went out to give him the third degree and make sure he was doing it right. I went out to apologize for the bother and for the fact that my backyard looks like a jungle. He laughed and said that neither were a bother and that if he were not on leave, his wouldn't have gotten done. Well I told him that my husband was gone and I would get to mine as soon as I learned how to use the weedeater (our yards aren't really big enough for a lawnmower to be worth it ...or so my husband said) and he offered to come and do it himself. He refused to let me pay him and was really done in about 10 minutes tops. When he left he told me to let him know when I needed it done again and he would be glad to do it.
Now I have to admit that I was so shocked that someone would offer just like that. Sure he said it took no time at all, but that was 10 minutes that he could have spent with his family. It meant a lot to me that he did that. I will have to figure out some way to let him and his family know that I appreciated it. I did offer to babysit some time.
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