12/31/2005 01:59:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Oh how I really wish I could just scream. If I did, I'd either scare the crap out of my son or upset the neighbors so I'll just wait. I'm so frustrated. So very frustrated. The past few days I have been so bleh feeling and this evening I was just not having a great evening. My wonderful husband, whom I wish I could talk to more, calls me and tells me that he needed me to take an item to rear detatchment that he was supposed to take care of before he left. Ok no big deal, right? WRONG! I don't have my liscence. I have been trying to find the chance to get it since July but between our car not working, the move, not having a car, the car not passing inspection, and his predeployment work schedule, I still have no liscence. So now I sit in a strange place, near nothing, with no way of going anywhere and he wants me to take something to rear detatchment. We live about 10-15 min from post depending on traffic and this is driving. I only know one person beyond the normal hello in the driveway and he is asknig me how the progress is on my liscense. I sort of started crying, which made him feel bad, but I don't care because he was making it sound like it was all my fault. I can't make friends appear out of thin air. I don't usually make friends really easy and it's not like i'm not trying. The one person I would consider a friend has offered to take care of my son when I do go to get my liscence..now I just have to find someone to take me and to remind me how to parallel park. I hate asking people for help, especially people I hardly know. I'm so frustrated. I wish I could pack it all up and go back to SC until he comes home. I need my friends and family. I don't know what i was thinking by staying here. I can't do this!! I just don't think I can do this..
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