Things I learned today
5/03/2006 12:49:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Today I learned that people will sacrifice their extra hour of sleep just to help you and not expect anything in return.
Today I learned that it's a great feeling to have people ask your help and know you are more than happy to oblige.
Today I learned that sometimes a potential friend is right under your nose, you just have to open your eyes and sometimes when you finally do it's too late.
Today I learned that no matter how much you try not to get your hopes up, a little part of you does. That little part is enough to knock you on your butt for a moment but if you remember why you didn't want to get your hopes up in the first place, you'll be ok.
Today I learned that no matter how over something you think you are, there is at least one person who can rip open those scars faster than you can blink and leave you feeling just as broken as you were before.
I hope I don't learn so much tomorrow.
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