I'm it!
8/10/2006 04:07:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
Ok so apparently I've been tagged by Amy. Here goes nothing.

Five items in my freezer
- Superhero and crayon shaped popsicles
- meat..lots of meat
- A good bit of frozen apple and orange juice
- Ice cream that really should be thrown away.
- frozen veggies
Five items in the closet (Using the closet in my bedroom)
- My husband's assorted uniforms
- vacuum cleaner
- a ton of Army stuff that I don't even know why he has it, but it doesn't really matter
- Some shelves with assorted useless crap on it.
- boxes...empty boxes that have no purpose really.
Five items in the car
- My son's booster chair
- A pillow
- trash...we really need to clean the car out.
- beach necessities...I do live in Hawaii after all
- board games....don't ask
Five items in my purse
- wallet
- gum
- pen
- lip gloss
- Altoids
Five people I shove mercilessly and force into being ‘it’ tag (Amy stole like three of mine):


Guys..I know you don't carry a purse...do wallet instead...
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On 9:13 PM, August 10, 2006 , Amy said...

You have Superman and Crayon-shaped popsicles? My son would so like you better than me. lol