blah blah blah
6/22/2006 08:51:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
Ok so I disappeared for a few days. Not that unusual lately. the reason was a little different this time though. My computer completely crapped on me. It did it in slow, maddening steps. First I just couldn't stay I thought it was my router. Then I couldn't get certain features on my windows..I thought I had a virus. I scanned but never found anything. It kept getting slower and slower until I couldn't even load windows anymore. I tried so many different things and talked to people much more skilled with computers than I and in the end I lost everything. The only fix was to completely wipe it clean and start over. I lost so many pictures and all sorts of things. It doesn't really matter though. I needed to be able to get back online so I could spend time talking to my husband and now I can.
We've been spending a lot of time at the beach lately. It's really been nice. We are all getting tan and used to having sand about everywhere you can possibly have sand. We've spent a few nights out on the beach. The first time it was with blankets and no tent and it rained so I was pretty misserable. Everyone else huddled under the blankets that had protective lining and I ended up wet and freezing. Last night we tried again and this time with a tent. It was much better. There is something to be said for waking up, walking out the door and being faced with a lot of sand and a gorgeous ocean. The water was so beautiful and I loved it. I tried to swim and ended up getting my butt kicked by the waves. Nothing major, but I won't be trying to swim those waves again anytime soon.
Hopefully I will have something more exciting to post soon. Things are going well for a change and I'm loving it. Now all I need is him home and in my arms and life will be grand.
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