Not exactly what I had in mind
2/13/2009 04:56:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
Now when I said I wasn't really feeling Valentine's day and didn't much care about making a big deal about it, I really didn't mean that I wanted to be unable to do anything for my guys that day.
A few days ago I started feeling crummy, like I was coming down with a cold. The night before last, while taking my shower, I started feeling like I was suffocating when the water would hit my chest. Yesterday I had a lot of trouble breathing as well but didn't think too much of it. My nose was super stuffy so why wouldn't I have trouble with breathing, right? I decided to make an appointment anyway but was told I would have to wait and call first thing this morning.
When it was time to call this morning, I seriously considered not going. My husband told me to make it anyway and it turns out it was a good thing.
Instead of just having a cold, I am having a cold/upper respiratory infection with a kick butt asthma attack attached to it. This was a very common thing for me growing up. It would happen at least once a school year. I haven't had this kind of asthma problem since probably 1996. All I can figure is the insane weather we are having triggered something nasty. The doctor is putting me back on allergy medicine so I'm kicking myself because I was the one that decided to just stop them even though she wanted me to keep them on hand "just in case."
The fix is steroids for 12 days, slowly tapering down, and some new (well new since my last attacks) asthma pill I take at night. I also got a new inhaler out of it. Hopefully this will do the trick and my entire weekend wont be gone. The funny part is my husband is actually home and making me rest. Half a day in and I was already feeling a little stir crazy. I did manage to get out to quickly pick up some valentine gifts for the guys.
Tomorrow we might brave the furniture store. My couch is dying.
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