Two weeks too much to ask?
4/12/2006 05:18:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Is it entirely too much to ask that for two weeks I would have peace and nothing would go wrong? Apparently so. Especially since it would be the two weeks that are supposed to be the best ones I'll experience for the next 8 months or so.
My darling husband came home a little over a week ago for his R&R and it has not been what we expected, both in good ways and bad. There has really been none of the awkwardness I expected. It was honestly like he had never left. We just fit again. My son has been happier than I've seen him in months and it really has been nice being all together again. It's been like a vacation for the most part. With all of that, I shouldn't have anything to complain about, but I do. Since this is my place to vent, and I've had one of those days, I'm going to just vent and get it over with.
Not 24 hours into my wonderful two weeks I started noticing my face was swelling. That's what I thought was going on anyway. I woke up from a nap and felt a little off on one side of my face. Figured I had laid on it wrong. It didn't go away and I had bad stabbing pains behind my ear and my eye and thought I probably had a sinus infection. Still not such a big deal. I've dealt with those many times before. I did notice that night that it looked like I wasn't able to move part of my face, but figured it had something to do with the swelling on the other side and I was just imagining things. It would be all better in the morning. It had to be. Well, it wasn't. I woke up with more of the same pain and just that totally swollen feeling in the left side of my face. I told my husband I wanted to go to the doctor. Now those close to me know that when I say I WANT to go to the doctor, I'm worried. I still thought it was a sinus infection but I felt I needed to go for some reason. We made the appointment and got one for two hours later with my primary care doctor. I had yet to meet him so I thought it would be nice.
I was right. He turned out to be just the kind of doctor I like. He was friendly but not in the sugar sweet, make you feel like a little kid way. That was the good part of the doctors visit. The rest left me shaken and just sort of wondering "why now". My mom used to joke that I never went to the doctor and had something small like a cold. It always ended up being some severe thing that required a lot of medication or something totally unexplainable. I guess some things never change. My sinus infection turned out to be Bell's Palsy and the swelling I felt was just my normal face. The other side of my face was paralyzed and making my left side feel swollen. You'd think I'd have noticed but it really was hard to tell at first. Yay for doctors. So they started me on meds with him extremely hopeful that it would clear up in a few days, but cautioning it could take weeks to months. Ok so there's day two of R&R. It had some highlights that I can't post on here, so that was good. It honestly has been a very annoying condition that is really painful, but it is one I can ignore somewhat. At least until yesterday. Yesterday I woke up with it really tender and by the end of the day you could see bruising just under the skin all along my cheek. Not the end of the world I guess.I just keep waiting for someone to ask me if he hit me or something.
Saturday we had a wonderful day. We bought a new couch that will be delivered tomorrow and drove around getting lost for hours. We found a walmart we actually liked shopping at and decided to have dinner at the Denny's by it. It was awesome! I had been craving country fried steak and they had it. I can't taste fully, but what I could taste was delicious. I paid and waited outside while the menfolk used the restroom. I'm standing here when all of the sudden out of nowhere the muscles in my back started spasming. OMG I had forgotten how bad that could hurt. I have had them off and on for about a year and half but it had been a while. Since Saturday I have had more than I can count. Today when I wasn't asleep from the muscle relaxers, I was trying not to puke because they hurt so bad. I took a two hour nap and finally felt somewhat better. I made it through another trip to walmart and dinner before I had another one, which felt like some sort of record for the day.
Between the muscle spasms, my son demanding attention, and my husband falling asleep extremely early we haven't had much time together alone the past few nights. At least not where we were conscious at the same time. My son fell asleep on the way home from eating so we were all excited at the thought of getting time alone. Of course you know our son woke up and has been a pain about going back to sleep. My husband finally gave up and went to lie down with him. I expect they are probably both asleep. One of these days it will work out where we get to be alone. Hopefully before he has to leave again.
I will say that despite the annoying pain in my head and the screaming pain in my back, I'm so thrilled to be all together again. I'm trying to just enjoy it as much as I can and think as little as possible about him leaving again.
I think I'm going to go to bed now. Hopefully next time I post I will have something more positive to post. Like I said before, it was just one of those days.
This entry was posted on 4/12/2006 05:18:00 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On 2:14 PM, April 12, 2006 , Anonymous said...

Girl, you've had so much more than your share. I'm so sorry and pray things go easier so you can enjoy some time. Prayers coming your way.