Rambling again
4/23/2006 04:25:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
If I had to pick two words to describe my feelings for the past year it would be emotional rollercoaster. I can't believe we've officially been a military family for a year and actually survived. I know some of you are out there wondering why we wouldn't have survived but it has been one heck of a year. I didn't honestly realize that it wasn't the norm for the first year in the military until a friend told me she was telling her husband what a "crazy life" we had led. I asked her what she meant because I was clueless and she said she was referring to our first year in. Ok so maybe it wasn't so normal. I'll agree, it's been nuts. I don't think I would rather it hadn't been. At least now when something shocking comes down I'm like "ok...It's the Army, what'd ya expect?" Much better than having a great year only to get knocked on my ass. When my husband came home, ok not even home because we were still in a hotel then, and told me he was leaving for the sandbox in a few months I wasn't shocked. Sad, upset, annoyed, sure. Shocked, nope. I was prepared. Yay for that.
This week alone has been a roller coaster of emotions. I swear I feel like I have multiple personalities some days. One minute I feel like I could float and then the next I'm on the floor sobbing. Ok so that's an exaggeration. I've only sobbed once and of course it had to be while I was on the computer talking to my husband. That's what he gets for giving me sort of not so good news when it's 7 am and I've yet to sleep. I give him credit for not running. He calmed me down and even made me feel better.
But anyway, I started this post to talk about a song and how it's been stuck in my head for two days (thanks Katie) and it really has nothing to do with the above so I'll make a different post for it. Gotta love that total randomness...
oh and just in case you haven't had enough randomness, a friend and I were talking the other day about ice cream and I said "I love me some strawberry ice cream" to which she exclaimed that was so southern. Now of course I was confused as I didn't see how strawberry ice cream was a southern thing, but it was of course my wording she was referring to. "I love me some" That has me wondering how many other things I say are typically southern and I just don't realize it. I didn't realize until I met my husband that I had some phrases that were totally cajun. Not in language maybe but in culture. I think it would be interesting to be on the outside and just listen to myself for a while. I already was wondering if I come off as crazy as I think I do. Things that I think make perfect since in my head, get me some odd looks when I say them. Anyway, that was just another random thought. I have plenty if you ever find yourself needing some.
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On 3:00 PM, April 23, 2006 , Anonymous said...

I know who that friend was :-) You have been through quite the yr! But I know you are a strong person, cause you are still standing! ((hugs))