blah blah blah blah
4/30/2006 03:21:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
I can't believe that I haven't blogged in four days. What's worse is I haven't really wanted to. Several times I opened the window and sat here staring at it like I expected the words to just appear. I will think of something to talk about only to have it totally disappear from my mind a few moments later. it's just been a really weird week for me. Just a lot going on that I can't control and it's starting to get to me. Hopefully it will all be over soon or I will have a better understanding. I know it's confusing, but welcome to my life.
My son is so cute. We are watching The Pink Panther and when they play the laugh track he starts fake laughing. It's just cute.
I hope I will be back to my usual witty self..ok so maybe I was never witty, but at least I had something to say. hopefully I will again soon.
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On 2:03 PM, May 01, 2006 , Will said...

I know that feeling of not blogging after a while... After doing it for so long, it just becomes part of the daily routine; then there are those days when nothing is worth writing about.

If you want witty, listen to some upbeat music. Sometimes a little phrase will catch your blogging brain!
