A wonderful cure for homesickness.
2/03/2007 11:12:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
Today has been one of those rare amazingly wonderful days. We took my grandfather out sightseeing. As many times as he's been to the island, he hasn't seen a lot of it. I ended up getting some great pictures of the different things. I have found a love for taking pictures of landscapes. There is always something here to take a picture of so that works out well. I am going to try and post some pictures with this.Here goes nothing..

This is a picture I took of my men. I just loved the setup.

My dream house. At least something like it. I would love to live here on the coast forever.

The water was gorgeous. We had to stop and take some pictures. I can't get over the color of the water. It's gorgeous!!

We stopped at another place where the sun was beating the rocks. This lifeguard pulled up as we were leaving and spent some time talking with my son. He was a great guy and my son was excited to meet someone who saves people from the water.

This sign was hanging at the macadamia nut farm we visited today. It says "thank you for your service." My grandfather and husband are in the picture. My grandfather is retired Navy and my husband is AD Army. Thank you both for your service and thank you to the many others out there, no matter your current status. Thank you for doing a job I know I couldn't do myself!

The mountains as seen from the Macadamia nut farm.

Looking up at the sun through the trees. You may think the light is a big mistake but I love the colors that are in it.

The bird of paradise flower.I took this one for you, Rebecca.

Chinaman's hat. It's also know as Mokoli'i Island
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On 2:36 AM, February 04, 2007 , Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

You're making me wish I were there... and that's saying something!