2/06/2007 05:53:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
Two things that do not mix. A lot of traffic and my grandfather driving with me in the car. You have to understand something about me. A lot of traffic stresses me out. Even from the passenger seat. Honolulu has some really bad traffic all of the time. Especially the area we were going to. Now if my husband were driving I would be fine. My grandfather is not my husband when it comes to driving. It is a new car to him so he was very jerky on the breaks. On top of that he talks non-stop instead of giving full attention to the road. This is not good when my ADD self is trying to figure out where the hell this building I'm going to is. AHHHHHH!!! We finally made it and took care of that errand and then had to fight traffic to another city where I didn't know how to get where we were going. More jerking. More talking. More me trying not to scream. We get to the store and go to get the tv. They have to get it out of the back so it will be a few. No biggie...or so I think. My grandfather is saying constantly that he's in no hurry but spent the entire time acting all impatient. Then we get it and it's paid for and he's asking them a ton of questions, supposedly for my knowledge, but I know the answers already. We get in the car finally, get turned around trying to get towards the base so I can meet my hubby for lunch. When we get there we have to wait for my hubby to meet us. He had to walk halfway across the base because the backseat was taken up. I figured he would take a while. My grandfather gets back into impatient mode and won't stop talking. Honestly, I'm trying my best to just ignore him without seeming rude. My ears were tired and my nerves completely shot. Lunch was nice because he was mostly quiet while he ate. I was supposed to go to the commissary, but I really needed some down time. I knew if we came home, he would go to the gym and I'd get a little time alone in the peace and quiet before my son gets home. Let me tell you something, I am loving this quiet. I only have 30 minutes or so of it left, but I'm taking advantage of every single second.
I did get some news today that isn't really bad, I guess. It's just not what I wanted to hear. That conference that we were going to with my hubby next week isn't happening. Well the conference is, but the TDY wasn't approved so they are making the guys drive back and forth each day instead of the hotel rooms and them staying overnight. I'm ok with it because the only reason we were going is to be with him at night and that will still happen. I was just getting really excited about the mini vacation away from it all. Oh well. It's the military. It happens. Besides, we get a marriage retreat in March overnight at Turtle Bay Resort. Best of all, my sister has volunteered to watch my son that night so it will be a good night without him. I can't wait!!!!! Ok...maybe I should not be so excited.
I so hope the day gets a little better!!
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