Not feeling paradise today.
7/14/2007 12:00:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
So visiting paradise is wonderful but after a while living here has it's toll on someone used to the mainland. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. It's just on days like today I want to run screaming back to South Carolina.
So I mentioned before we were supposed to get our brake pads changed today and the rear brakes were locking. Well turns out not one of the auto parts places had them in stock and when they order them they are going to cost double what they normally would because they all only carry the more expensive brands. Now if we had known this before, we could have planned for it, but leave it to my husband and his friend to not even bother checking to see if they were in stock anywhere here and how much they were going to cost. Nope, they waited until almost 6 pm today (which is what time every one of the auto parts store closes) to drive around and see if they could find them. I so married a genius. (Yes, that was serious sarcasm. I'm irritated, what can I say?)If it hadn't been for me telling them to park somewhere and give me a little time to call around, they would probably still be driving around. What made it worse was that it seems every parts store where I lived before we moved here has the parts we need in stock and the cheaper ones to boot. What is it about this place that they feel the need to make us pay SOOOO much more.
Best scenario is going to be getting one of our parents to pick up the parts and mail them to us or ordering them online. Looks like ordering them online is going to be the most feasible option,(overnight shipping here is outrageous when you can find someone who even does it,) which means it will be sometime next week before we have them. Hubby's friend is fixing the car so the brakes will work without ruining the rotors in the back as they are the ones that are really shot. Hopefully this will work. I'm just glad his friend is better at working on cars than he is planning ahead.
Is today over yet?
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On 2:51 AM, July 19, 2007 , Kala said...

thank you so much for responding to Felicia's question. i never seem to have the punctuality and time to do so in a meaningful manner. Plus, I live by Diamond head so I probably dont know as much as someone living out by Kunia etc. And yes, I do agree with you - I wonder all the time whether automotive people kjack up prices to rip off people. I once took my automobile to a shop to replace waterpump only to find out he was putting in refurbished water pumps so mines would not last as long as a brand new one yet i was paying the price of a new one - its good ur husband knows someone who can fix cars!