Messing with the order
7/23/2007 07:38:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen

Ok, there is a reason I put this on here. It's all because of one quote.
"You're messing with the order! You don't go messing with the order!

My husband and I have a system. When I'm really tired, I talk a lot. Constant rambling about nothing in particular. So when we are laying in bed and I'm rambling, he will mhmmm some until he falls asleep. When it's out of my system, I fall asleep. It's been a highly effective system for the past 8 years.
Tonight I was on my rambling spree and my husband interupts me and says "Goodnight, baby. I love you." I said "I love you too. Is that your way of saying shut up baby?" His reply was "Well I was trying to say it nicer than that." He went on to say he didn't want to be rude and just ignore me. As soon as he said that, the quote from that cartoon popped in my head. I laughed and told him that and he laughed as well, but there is a point. It has worked for 8 years and I was really thrown by the change. Not upset, just thrown. Just thought I'd share.
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On 3:23 PM, July 24, 2007 , Kala said...

awwwww that was so cute! The minute I saw the cartoon I got so excited I started watching it before reading your post! You and your husband have a nice system of working things out - its really cute! As for my rainbow pic, I did not have to do anything - it was so bright (rainbow) and I was under some clouds so I think that made the picture turn out so much better. I was up at a hiking trail at 3000 ft =)