Just a Glimpse
9/06/2006 01:56:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
I love when I get a glimpse into my son's thought process. Most of the time, when a conversation with him makes no sense, I'm just left to wonder. It is a rare occasion that I can piece together what he is thinking and today I had one of those moments. Here was the conversation.
Son: I wanna go Huwhy(that's what hawaii sounds like when he says it.)
Me: You want to go where?
Son: I wanna go Huwhy.
Me: You want to go to Hawaii?
Son: Yeah. I go to Huwhy.
Me: But we're already in Hawaii.
Son: I wanna go in the airplane and go to Huwhy.
Me: We already did. Your house is in hawaii.
Son: OH!!! (pause a moment for thought) I wanna go in airplane.
Me: Where do you want to go in the airplane.
Son: I wanna go get Daddy.

Of course from there came the explanation that we can't fly and go get daddy and how long until daddy is home. You get the idea. Now it took me a few minutes, but I figured out why he kept saying Hawaii instead of just saying to go get his dad. The only time he has flown, he has flown to Hawaii. His Daddy came home to Hawaii on a plane for R&R. His aunt flew on an airplane to Hawaii. He has never seen the planes leave Hawaii. So as much as I can tell, he thought all planes went to Hawaii and since Daddy had to go on a plane, Daddy was in Hawaii. Interesting..

Now I know some of you might be sitting there wondering how my almost six year old son doesn't comprehend the situation better. All I can say is my son has a very different thought process. Very different. He understands what he really needs to. Daddy is away being a soldier and loves him and mommy very much. At this point that is all he needs to know. I have shown him where on the map Daddy is and things like that but he holds on to what he needs to in making it through the day without his best friend. I honestly am grateful for his lacking in comprehension at this point. I have enough trouble with the "I miss Daddy" and "Daddy come home" so I don't know what I would do if he had hard questions.
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