Am I wrong?
7/08/2006 05:22:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Am I wrong or is it a little rude to have your radio so loud at midnight that your neighbor's couch is vibrating? I've already been to my neighbor's house once today to ask them to turn down the radio. That was this afternoon and they have been blaring their radio for the past three hours. You have no idea how hard it was for me to go over there the first time. I generally avoid confrontation. Especially with neighbors. I don't want to be that neighbor that complains all the time, but this is just rude. You've already been asked nicely to turn it down once in a day. What is it going to take to get it through to you that there is such a thing as too loud? When they turned it down this afternoon, I could still hear it, but it was bearable. I mean in such close quarters I expect a little noise.
Ok so they turned it down to a bearable, but still annoying level. Either someone got smart or another person complained. I really am getting to the point where I'm considering filing a complaint with the housing office. This is not just a weekend thing. You never know when it's going to happen, but it does and often. It could be 7 am and you wake up to loud booming or you're eating lunch and you can't hear the TV for the boom boom going off behind you. I'm sorry, but when you have neighbors you need to exercise some respect. Am I wrong? Am I expecting too damn much?
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On 2:09 PM, July 10, 2006 , Amy said...

Not at all. They're being inconsiderate, and you probably aren't the only one who complained. Filing a complaint might be the only way to go, unfortunately.