That Darn Cat
1/08/2008 03:08:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
One of my cats is trying to seriously traumatize me. I understand that cats have hunting instincts but she is just taking it too far.
Over the past few weeks, my sweet little cat has brought three birds into my house. Two of them were still alive! The first one she brought in was a good sized bird and she had it by the wing. I didn't know she had it. I just saw her playing with something under the coffee table and went to see what it was. I scared her and the bird went flying. It spent a good ten minutes behind my Christmas tree bashing into the window trying to get out. I had opened the screen but had to give it a little push to make it out the window. Of course I had to first lock my cat in the bathroom and she didn't like that.
The second time she brought in a little bird and was playing with it. I just saw her spasing out like she does when she's playing with something. My son was the one who realized it was a bird. Unfortunately it was either a baby or one of the small variety we have here and it's neck was broken so I had to dispose of it. My son asked me later in the day if the bird was all better now and I just about broke down crying at how sad he was when I had to tell him that he wasn't.
Today she brought in another good sized bird. Thankfully, my son wasn't home because this time was the worst. She had the bird under the coffee table again. I found this out when I heard the bird crying, for lack of a better word. It broke my heart. I did everything I could to get my cat to at least take it outside. She took it out and it was still crying so I went and grabbed my cat and brought her in. I just couldn't take it. I couldn't let her kill that bird and do nothing. It was still breathing but wasn't really moving so I didn't know what to do. When my hubby got home, I had him go to clean up what I assumed would be a dead bird but all he found was a few feathers so I'm guessing it was just stunned.
I know cats are hunters, but she is cruel. She plays with them for a long time before killing them. I have heard of cats bringing dead animals as gifts but she isn't doing that. She is seriously bringing them in to play with like my son would a toy. I can't handle this.
We have tried our best to make her an inside cat and she finds ways out. There are so many reasons this latest bird craze of hers is a bad thing. My son doesn't need to see this and I really can't take it either. it's disgusting and I really don't want birds in my house. She had done it once or twice before and it upset me but it's becoming too frequent. It came down to me telling my husband that if she does it again we are going to have to find her a new home. I feel horrible for being this way but it is bordering on traumatizing for me. I love my baby girl to death but enough is enough. Am I a horrible person for wanting to get rid of her if she keeps this up?
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