Just talking it out
1/14/2008 01:06:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Today was an interesting day. I don't know how any of it is really connected so it's going to come out as a big ramble.
We went to chapel this morning and the chaplain who was preaching today mentioned how the 22nd of this month was the anniversary of Roe vs Wade. As a Southern Baptist, we have always had "Sanctity of Life Sunday" the Sunday before this anniversary. It wasn't a day I remembered easily until the year I lost my baby. This morning, when he mentioned it, it occurred to me that for the first time in 8 years, I missed my angel baby's birthday. I started crying. I had this feeling of being a horrible parent. I don't go a day without remembering him and usually his birthday is a little hard for me. I just had a moment of freaking out because I feel like I forgot. That day was such a big day in my life. It really changed me in a lot of ways and ripped out a pretty good chunk of my heart so how do you just forget? I think I've gotten over most of the initial guilt and am looking at it as I have healed a good bit. So we'll end that portion of the day by saying "Happy Birthday, my sweet angel. We love you!"

We spent the afternoon playing games at my sister's house. We had the most fun with two new games. One is called Apples to Apples and the other is Fluxx. It was really great to just hang out and play games. I also love how my son is able to so easily entertain himself. He was entertaining all of us in the process. He is just so much fun to watch. My nephew was just laying on the floor watching my son make noises and play in his pretend world.
My nephew was so cute. He's 6 months old and is almost crawling. He gets one knee forward but as he moves the other one, he falls. He is going to get it very soon. He is so cute!
We all got hungry so we decided to go somewhere to eat. When we got there they wait was an hour long and my son needed to start his nightly routine in about an hour so waiting was definitely not an option. My sister's fiance started naming all of these places but nothing was sounding good at all. My stomach was sour from taking my medicine without bread or milk last night. I could tell my sister was getting annoyed and I was annoyed because, aside from this place, I couldn't think of anything I wanted! I hate when I'm like that. I finally told them we would just get something at home and they could go do whatever they wanted. I didn't want to hold them up. My sister seemed perturbed but I just had to save my sanity. Of course my son starts crying because he didn't understand why we couldn't wait for our turn so we asked him what he wanted. He wanted a cheeseburger. I gave him three choices and he picked one that happens to have awesome salads so I was happy. My husband was pretty happy about the choice as well and we grabbed something from there. I got an ice cream treat they are famous for and it was just the trick at settling my sour stomach. The salad was extremely fresh and awesome so I am now one happy woman.
Well hubby wants to play some ghost recon and little man is in bed so I'm wrapping this up.
Did I mention tomorrow is the first day back at school after the holiday break? Can we say FREEDOM? Well at least for a few hours. I am SO ready.
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