New Year, New Start.
1/02/2008 04:50:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
It's a new year so I thought it might be a good time to start posting again. My life isn't a lot more interesting, but maybe I can find something to talk about.

I know a lot of people do resolutions and, while I do have a few things I would like to accomplish, I'm not sure if I would call them resolutions. Basically they are just things I would like to improve.

-I want to find a way to minimize stress in my life or at least find a way to deal with the stress more effectively. I'm hoping this will help with the headaches and things of that nature. It will also make me a little easier to be around. I tend to be entirely too stressed out.

-I want to be a better housewife. I've gotten the support and love and all of that down and really my husband doesn't complain. I just feel like I need to get off my butt more and do more productive things around the house. I will never be the "have his meal on the table when he gets home" type of wife. It's not even a reasonable expectation with him never getting home at the same time. I can make sure that we can have guests over without freaking out and that we can have a comfortable home to live in. I guess it's more for me than him since he'd gladly live with the way things are now.

-I want to read more. I love to read and always feel a little sharper when I read regularly. I know I can't sit down and read like I did before or I'd never get anything done, but I can try to find about two hours a week to read. My goal would be to read two books a month minimum. I also want to try and get in some sort of bible reading/study every day.

-I want to be more outgoing. I need to break out of my shell. I'm such a homebody and get really anxious around people I don't know. I always feel like I don't belong or fit in. I need to get over that. I plan on attending PWOC(protestant women of the chapel) on a regular basis and actually participating. I know quite a few women there and really like them so I don't see why I can't start there.

-I want to exercise more regularly and stick to a healthier diet. I want to be sure that there are no roadblocks on my end for the weight loss surgery when we get to Kansas. I can't control what the doctors do but I can work on myself.

-I want to be more financially responsible. We are going to be taking a major pay cut when we move and I want us to be ready for it. I want to have enough money saved that we don't have to stress for our two trips and move this year.

If you made it this far, I'm impressed and thank you. I hope that everyone has a wonderful year and your own goals are met.
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