I'm not talking weather here. Not too many seasons here, maybe two? I'm just talking about how so much in our lives change and it all seems to do it at the same time leaving you grasping for some little shred of how things used to be.
My entire life has changed several times in the past year and I am starting to wonder if change is my only constant. My husband left his boring uneventful job where he was home on weekends and by six most evenings to join the military. Of course this change was marked by our first separation of more than a week for Basic and AIT. We made it through this fine and at the end of that found out that we would be moving to Hawaii, a very big change from SC. Sounds like an adventure right? Well I guess in some ways it is. I really like it here, but I would rather visit than live here at this point. I'm sure that will change too. We get here and I am thrust into the military life with a deployment. From September to December nearly every moment had something to do with getting ready for a deployment most people had a been working on getting ready for since January. December brings my husband leaving, my first Christmas alone. Hey I'm still here and moderately sane so I think I'm doing ok. I'm just saying that the change does seem to come in big chunks, never does it let you get used to it a little bit at a time. What fun would that be? Aside from the periods of separation, all of these changes have been fairly positive. I mean I never in a million years would have been able to say I lived in Hawaii and new someone who was taking wrong turns and ending up in Austria. Yes I am sure that confused some of you...don't worry. I'm not crazy..well not for that anyway.
The changes I hate are the ones that seem to touch our hearts more. I hated leaving my friends behind, seeing the truth about a friend I thought was the one person I could always count on, facing the fear of losing another friend and still not being sure where that will go...these kinds of things are the ones I can do without. I guess I have to look at the things I've gained. I've gained some wonderful friends all over the world who have made the big changes so much easier to handle. I've gained a new sense of patriotism and pride in our country and our military. My husband and I had to laugh one day when we were remembering how on September 11th when there were rumors of war and a draft that we were so afraid the draft would be reinstated and he would be called up to serve and here we were 5 years later and he had volunteered to serve knowing that he would likely be doing the one thing he was so scared of then. Life is full of changes but at least we change with them if we are smart. We grow, we adjust, we learn to live and enjoy most of the changes and the ones we don't like so much, well we just learn to get over it.
Sorry for the ramble. I hope at least parts of it made sense. If you feel need to blame it on something, I'll find some excuse for you. Pretty much this is just me though.