And now that the insanity that was last night is over, I'm much better. I was actually doing alright by the time I went to bed. I had calmed down enough that I didn't feel like I was going to lose it. My husband got online about 4 this morning so I was able to talk to him for a little while. It was a nice thing. I love that man. I love him so very very much.
Today was a deccent day. I didn't get out of my pajamas for almost all day. I did manage to get my tree taken down. I'm telling you, taking down a tree that is two feet taller than you is quite an adventure. Especially when you have a 5 year old who is totally against the idea. I removed about 70-100 glass ornaments and then a good bit more that were not glass...and I didn't break one. Gabe broke one, but that doesn't count. We watched some movies and just spent a lot of time together. It was really nice. Really a very good day.
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