My son was missing his daddy today, but instead of misbehaving or crying about it, he used his imagination to make it better. He was playing with blocks and then came to me and said "Look, It's Daddy." He pointed to this...
He has kept calling those blocks Daddy all day. They even played with Thomas together.
The other day he was playing with an imaginary daddy, the night before last he was drawing him, and yesterday he was pretending his little green army men were Daddy and were shooting all the bad guys. I honestly am really glad he is dealing with it this way instead of the really bad behavior we had a few weeks ago. I just hope that it's not wrong of me to let this go on. He's already had his real dad taken away from him for the next year. I don't have the heart to take this away from him too.
This entry was posted on 1/19/2006 12:59:00 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
I wouldn't worrya bout it. Seems like he is doing "healthY" things to me to deal with it his own way. He is so precious and that breaks my heart at the same time...but it show s how much he loves his daddy.