At a little after 9 am on Jan 10, 2000 I gave birth to a little boy at only 14 weeks. I went through labor the same as I did with my other son, just on a much smaller scale. Because it was so early, there was nothing they could do to stop it or save him. 6 weeks more and they could have done so much for him. We named him after his father as that was the name we already had picked out for him.
6 years has given me a lot of time to heal, but on this day every year I feel that loss so deeply. My husband is usually my support on this day, but he is halfway around the world and has already lived through this day. He did get online just before he was going to bed and tell me that he loved me and was praying for me.
So Happy birthday my angel. You live on in our hearts!
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I'm so sorry today is so rough on you. Happy birthday to your little angel.....
I just happened to find your blog while doing a search. I've lost three babies early in pregnancy. One boy three years ago, another boy in April and a girl in November of last year.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It is a hurt that never goes away and is also hard to explain to those who haven't experienced it.
If you'd ever like to talk about it, (and I know it's weird because I'm a stranger and all) you can email me. My email address is on my blog.