Your couch breaks and you aren't really surprised. In fact you were already wondering what else could go horribly wrong and your reaction to the couch breaking is "ok...what's next." Thank god I'm short because sitting so close to the floor for the next little while would be awful otherwise. I've learned my lesson. Don't buy cheap furniture.
We paid $400 dollars for a love seat and couch and have had nothing but trouble. The first thing we noticed was that on the love seat the left side of the seat sank in. We had a warranty and could never get in touch of the people we bought it from. Never a good sign. Not too long after that the same thing that happened today happened on the love seat. The wood in the bottom frame that holds the legs in split. So badly in fact that it can't be simply fixed. Not long before we moved the cushion in the couch did the same thing. The couch was already getting really uncomfortable. You could feel a piece of wood or something poking in the middle when you laid down on it. Today the wood around one of the legs cracked. I took the legs off and now it's sitting far too close to the floor. We will be buying a nice new couch. Nothing crappy. I'm tired of being cheap and the furniture breaking. Other times we couldn't afford to do any better, but now we can. Now I just have to tell my husband. That should be fun.
Someone very close to me is having a really hard time lately. She has been questioning her marriage and a lot of things connected to it and has had to make some really hard decisions. Today she left. I've been the person she asks for advice. I've been the person she cries to and as much as I love her and am glad she can rely on me, I'm so tired. I can do no more to help her, but I will listen. She needs someone and I will be there. I just wish I had more answers. I guess you can only answer the same question so many times. I do have to say that her situation has helped me to totally appreciate my husband and our commitment. We've had some struggles. Some really big ones that really should have ended our marriage, but we weren't willing to let go. We didn't give up and I'm so glad. We have to work at things still, and we always will. It's worth the work though. On days like today, I really wish I could either have him with me or at least pick up the phone and call him. Even just hear his voice for a second. Oh well. Such is life.
I just found out that my grandfather is still on the island. He left my house a week and half ago. I feel like the worlds worst granddaughter now. He's flying space available and I just assumed he'd have gotten a flight out by now. Now I'm sitting here wondering "do I have him come for the weekend or not?" I don't know. I could do a marathon cleaning session and have it mostly taken care of by the time he got here so that's not the issue. The issue is do I want all of that noise in my house for the weekend. Ok so he made that decision for me. He's going to fly out tomorrow and if he can't get on the space a flight then he is just going to go commercial. He just hates the idea of paying for a flight when he can get one for next to nothing. Think 5 dollars vs 2000 dollars. Yeah...I'd be not wanting to pay for it either.
My son is being so cute and expressing his thoughts so much more now. That is a big step for him. We have always had to pry things out of him. Now he is telling me what he thinks. We had a popsicle earlier and he kept saying "I like this. It taste delicious." We just had a helicopter pass by flying low as they do a lot of times and he said "Look, it's a helicopter. It's noisy." He is five and this may sound like a lot of nothing to others, but to me it is a great breakthrough. This is what I have been working for and waiting for. We still have such a long way to go, but now I have hope where I was losing it.
I guess I should go cook dinner. I have no idea what to cook but I have some ground turkey out that needs to be cooked so I will make something of it. I'm leaning towards spaghetti. It's always a pleaser. I've only met one person in my entire life, that I know of, who didn't like spaghetti. Watch me get a ton of messages from people saying they hate the stuff. Oh well. I'm trying to decide between that and ravioli with a meat sauce. Both sound really good right now..Cooking them doesn't seem like fun, but they do both sound good. I love to cook, I'm just tired.
That brings me to the rain. Ok, before you ask, no I do not live on the island where the dam broke. Different island. We are still getting a lot of rain. No flooding on the part of the island where I live. Just a lot of rain. All of this rain is making an already sleepy me even sleepier. We haven't had as much today, but it's starting to look gloomy out again so it's probably only a matter of time. I'm really glad we don't' live on the windward side of the island. There they have had even more rain than we have and have had to deal with flooding and mudslides. It's also already getting pretty warm during the days. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to hold out on the no air conditioning thing. I have a feeling they will be put up long before May. It has been muggy. My sheets in my bed were that damp that you get when the weather is humid and you leave your windows open. I ended up having to change them before I could go to bed. I'm sure I'll be begging for some of this rain come July so I'll try and enjoy it while I can.
Well I think I've rambled enough for the day. I may try and find another song later today. Something a little less mushy this time so I don't run off the mush haters. If anyone has any music to recommend, I'm always open to suggestions. Please, no rap. I'm just not a big fan of rap. The only rap I've been able to tolerate and somewhat like is the stuff my husband listens to and I think that is more out of love for him than the music itself.
Someone very close to me is having a really hard time lately. She has been questioning her marriage and a lot of things connected to it and has had to make some really hard decisions. Today she left. I've been the person she asks for advice. I've been the person she cries to and as much as I love her and am glad she can rely on me, I'm so tired. I can do no more to help her, but I will listen. She needs someone and I will be there. I just wish I had more answers. I guess you can only answer the same question so many times. I do have to say that her situation has helped me to totally appreciate my husband and our commitment. We've had some struggles. Some really big ones that really should have ended our marriage, but we weren't willing to let go. We didn't give up and I'm so glad. We have to work at things still, and we always will. It's worth the work though. On days like today, I really wish I could either have him with me or at least pick up the phone and call him. Even just hear his voice for a second. Oh well. Such is life.
I just found out that my grandfather is still on the island. He left my house a week and half ago. I feel like the worlds worst granddaughter now. He's flying space available and I just assumed he'd have gotten a flight out by now. Now I'm sitting here wondering "do I have him come for the weekend or not?" I don't know. I could do a marathon cleaning session and have it mostly taken care of by the time he got here so that's not the issue. The issue is do I want all of that noise in my house for the weekend. Ok so he made that decision for me. He's going to fly out tomorrow and if he can't get on the space a flight then he is just going to go commercial. He just hates the idea of paying for a flight when he can get one for next to nothing. Think 5 dollars vs 2000 dollars. Yeah...I'd be not wanting to pay for it either.
My son is being so cute and expressing his thoughts so much more now. That is a big step for him. We have always had to pry things out of him. Now he is telling me what he thinks. We had a popsicle earlier and he kept saying "I like this. It taste delicious." We just had a helicopter pass by flying low as they do a lot of times and he said "Look, it's a helicopter. It's noisy." He is five and this may sound like a lot of nothing to others, but to me it is a great breakthrough. This is what I have been working for and waiting for. We still have such a long way to go, but now I have hope where I was losing it.
I guess I should go cook dinner. I have no idea what to cook but I have some ground turkey out that needs to be cooked so I will make something of it. I'm leaning towards spaghetti. It's always a pleaser. I've only met one person in my entire life, that I know of, who didn't like spaghetti. Watch me get a ton of messages from people saying they hate the stuff. Oh well. I'm trying to decide between that and ravioli with a meat sauce. Both sound really good right now..Cooking them doesn't seem like fun, but they do both sound good. I love to cook, I'm just tired.
That brings me to the rain. Ok, before you ask, no I do not live on the island where the dam broke. Different island. We are still getting a lot of rain. No flooding on the part of the island where I live. Just a lot of rain. All of this rain is making an already sleepy me even sleepier. We haven't had as much today, but it's starting to look gloomy out again so it's probably only a matter of time. I'm really glad we don't' live on the windward side of the island. There they have had even more rain than we have and have had to deal with flooding and mudslides. It's also already getting pretty warm during the days. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to hold out on the no air conditioning thing. I have a feeling they will be put up long before May. It has been muggy. My sheets in my bed were that damp that you get when the weather is humid and you leave your windows open. I ended up having to change them before I could go to bed. I'm sure I'll be begging for some of this rain come July so I'll try and enjoy it while I can.
Well I think I've rambled enough for the day. I may try and find another song later today. Something a little less mushy this time so I don't run off the mush haters. If anyone has any music to recommend, I'm always open to suggestions. Please, no rap. I'm just not a big fan of rap. The only rap I've been able to tolerate and somewhat like is the stuff my husband listens to and I think that is more out of love for him than the music itself.