3/07/2006 11:36:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
I was looking for my husband's unit's website earlier today and came across the blog of a mother who's son is in my husband's unit. Being naturally nosy, I decided to read it. Well it was really obvious that she was really close to her son, which is great, but she said something that really aggravated me.
I was reading a post from a few days after the units left and she was talking about how she had talked to her daughter in law and her daughter in law was mad because when her husband was able to call home in route to Kuwait he called only his mother. The mom felt like the daughter in law should get over it. This kind of attitude always irks me. I have no problem with my husband calling his mother, and in fact she was the first one that talked to him when he was in route, but only after he had called me and I didn't answer. He called me back immediately after talking to her. Now if he had called only his mother and not called me at all, he would have been in MAJOR trouble. Now as a mother, I understand the love for your son, but when is it too much. When do we think too highly of ourselves as mother that we become cold to the needs of the ones that should mean the most to them right now. I know for a fact that my mother in law would never treat me that way. I hope I will never be like that and I certainly hope that this man realizes really quickly that his wife needs to be on the top of his call list or he is going to find himself in deep trouble.
All of this mother in law talk reminds me that I need to call mine.
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On 1:58 AM, March 08, 2006 , Anonymous said...

I can't stand it when people don't "get" the part of marriage that you "leave your mother and father and become one with your mate". I'm sorry, but your priority is your spouse and children. If you have a relationship that is close with your parents, that's a wonderful thing but NOT when it comes before the person you should be one with.

And the mother... get a freaking grip. Yes, it's your son and if you have done your job right then you should be appauled that he would call you first. It shows that you haven't prepared him for the world and sent him off. You have held him under your wing a bit too hard and failed to cultivate an important aspect of his personality.
