When you love someone, when is the right time to go from "do whatever is best for you" to telling them we think they are making a big mistake? Is there a time that it is ok to do that and them not end up hating you? I don't know. Sometimes I just have no idea what to do. It's really hard being able to see so many sides of things. It really is.
I just am watching people around me make some mistakes that they may end up seriously regreting later. Now not all of them want my opinion so I'm doing my best to just keep my mouth shut. I learned that the hard way. What gets hard is when you are asked for help and are having trouble deciding how to handle it. Especially when it concerns someone's marriage, as most of the issues around me do these days it seems.
When did it become so common to consider disolving our marriages without even trying to work things out? Have we become really such selfish people that we only see what will benefit us most and not the fact that we might be ripping out someone elses heart before they even realized there was a problem? I'm not saying this is the case in all divorces. I know a lot of people that have fought tooth and nail for their marriages and they still ended and I have much respect for that. I'm talking about those that say "I want this and I'm not getting it so I'm thinking maybe I should leave" when if they went through the counselling or maybe even just took the freakin' time to talk to their spouse, they would find this person willing to do just about anything to keep them happy. When do we decide we can't hurt this person we've only known a short amount of time but it's ok to devestate the person we stood in front of a group of people and God and promised forever to?
Love is the easy part people. It's the staying in love part that takes some work. If you don't realize, then you are going to end up right where you are now over and over again. Do you just keep leaving then? Wake up people. Marriage is work. Now get off your ass and really work for it. Otherwise stop bitching that you are unhappy. For those of you that have tried and it still didn't work out, thank you for at least trying. Sometimes that's all you can do.