Why is it that my husband feels the need to say something he knows is going to upset me just seconds before he has to walk out the door? Not exactly a good way to start my day if he wants to come home to a sweet loving wife. It's not him that I am upset with when he brings up this particular subject. It's the way the military can never make up their mind about things or give you a yes or no when you really could use one. I just got mad he brought it up knowing I would get upset. Thankfully, I have some amazing friends that are always there for me when I need them. I don't know what I would do without them. I just hate that they all live so far away. some days I wish I could win the lottery so I could get them all together in one place for a few days. I have a feeling we would have a blast.
I meant to blog yesterday because it was just an interesting day. Nothing really major that defined it. Just my son being himself. We played and worked on homework. Had the most interesting conversation with my son. I really never imagined that I could have conversations like this. We were working on some math homework. They are learning addition and he was procrastinating as usual. He does it so often that his teacher came up with something that seems to make him work more quickly. She said that he needs to be a rabbit not a turtle because turtles are smart and quick and turtles are lazy. OK so I know that flies in the face of the tortoise and the hare story line but he hasn't read that and it works for him. I tell you this because it has something to do with our conversation. So in the middle of homework he just blurts out "I have to potty." and this is the conversation that follows.
Him: I have to potty.
Me: OK, well go!
Him: Okay.(Jumps up and starts out of the room then stops)Don't eat my homework!
Me:(confused)Why on Earth would I eat your homework?
Him: Don't eat my homework because if you eat paper it will make you really sick.
Me:(laughing)Got to the bathroom. I'm not going to eat your homework.
Him:(from the bathroom)I'm a rabbit. Rabbits hop up and down. They go boing boing boing(I imagine he was hopping)
Me: Rabbits need to stand still when they go potty.
Him: Oh, OK.
I'm telling you, I was cracking up by the end of it. He never ceases to amaze me with the things he comes up with.
About 15 minutes later my husband came home and my son yelled. "Daddy's Home!!! YAY!!!" as he was running to attack him. After that a good ten minutes taking turns shouting "I'm home!!!" and attacking each other. Moments like that make my day so much better.
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