Some people question why American forces are in Iraq. They watch the news and are disturbed by what is happening in Baghdad and have given up. The only viable solution is to leave because nothing will change. True, the current state in Baghdad is bad and it’s easy to agree with these folks. This morning though I was given a very clear reminder why we are here: hope. My assistant and I had been out last night visiting Soldiers working the night shift. We came back to the office about sunrise and what you see in these pictures hit us in the face.
Beauty. Even in Iraq. No matter what happened yesterday the sun still came up today. And it will do so tomorrow. And the day after that. I am reminded of this truth: “In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” (Psalm 5:3). If not but for the grace of God every one of us would be in much worse conditions than we are now. Every day we awaken we have the opportunity to turn and hear God and what He has for us. That is hope. That is purpose. That is a reason for living.
We are here because these people need that opportunity as well.