Catching up
8/20/2006 11:44:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
I've had so much to say the past few days but never had the time to blog it. This is probably going to all come out very random, so please be patient.
I don't know how much you remember me saying about the noisy neighbors. I honestly though that with as much as we complained, none of them would want to have anything to do with us, but I was wrong. See it's two sets of neighbors that hang out together and the other night while my sister and I were outside the husband of one came outside and introduced himself to us. He started asking us why we were never outside and just talking to us about us. It was nice. He is a little...out there..but is a really nice guy. His wife came out while we were out there and she came over. She was talking to us and in the conversation it came out that all of that group thought we didn't like them because we never said hi or anything. We said we didn't think they'd want us to talk to them because we complained about the noise. She said it was normal neighbor stuff and not to worry about it. We ended up hitting it off really great. She is a very sweet person. When she found out my husband was gone, she handed me a stack of greeting cards that were really sweet and romantic. She just gave them to me! I think they were leftover from when she had been deployed. So it all worked I'm not going to feel bad when I have to ask them to turn it down.

My son has been proving a challenge the past few days. First it was me getting fussed at by the bus driver because apparently he won't sit down on the bus. I have done everything I could to get him to understand the need to sit down, but without being physically there, he's not getting it. He has a tendency to need to be physically shown things before he gets it. I think what is happening is that when they stop he thinks its time to get off so he stands up. I don't know, but she said she was going to start writing him up. I'm seriously considering talking to the student services coordinator to see if there is something that we can do. I need him to be able to ride the bus. The next issue is his current obsession with "boobies." Now I know it's an innocent obsession because he thinks Superman has boobies. We've tried to get him to call it a chest instead of boobies, but it's not sticking. It was getting better until last night when he brought me a picture he had drawn. I asked him what it was before I looked at it and he said "It's boobies" and sure enough, it was. The person he had drawn had breasts. Now I know a lot of you are laughing, my husband did. I'm not though. Sure it's cute, but it also is stressful. I can't figure out what the deal is or how to talk to him about it. I am terrified he's going to start drawing them at school and the teachers are going to be mad. He has gone up to someone before and said "You have boobies? I have boobies like Superman" thankfully they just laughed, but that's not always going to be the case. With kids getting suspended for sexual harassment in kindergarten, I'm scared to death.

Have I mentioned how much I hate car shopping? Seriously, I hate it. I have no idea what I'm doing and I feel so scattered about it all. Of course I'm practically alone doing it because my sister has lots of opinions but they are all about what she likes. I would like to say I'm shopping for what I like, but I have no freaking clue what I like. Last time we car shopped, our options were extremely limited and I didn't have to figure it all out myself. Why couldn't my car have waited a few more months to die on me?

Basically this has been the insanity that has been my past few days. I have dealt with my emotional breakdowns, my sister being extremely moody even though she totally denies it., my son's obsessions and clinginess, and quite frankly I'm tired. I have been going to bed early and getting a lot of sleep, but I still feel worn. I really wish I could have a few days where I don't have to worry about anything but eating, sleeping, and maybe watching a little tv or reading a book. that will ever happen.

I know there were other things I was going to write about, but I have no idea what they were. Maybe I'll remember later, but I think I've bored you enough.
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On 8:42 AM, August 21, 2006 , Amy said...


You've got a lot of stress going on, and that could very well be why you're feeling tired. Still, it might be worth it to talk to your doctor. Keep track of how long you sleep (and if you wake up frequently, dream, etc) and what you eat. That could help your doc figure something out.

Good luck with the car stuff! I saw you'd said that you'd found one online. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out!

I'm not sure what to say about Gabe. Honestly he sounds like a typical Kindergartener. Kids seem to go through these periods where they find something so fascinating that they just don't get over it. I think the best thing to do is to not make a big deal out of the boobies thing. Show him it's not a big deal by not making a big deal out of it, you know? S. used to talk about butts all of the time, and it wasn't until I didn't make a big deal out of him saying but just calmly correcting what he called them ('bottom' instead of 'booty' or 'butt') that he finally got over it. Maybe it's a boy thing.

The bus is new for him. Is there a helper on his bus? Like an aid or an older student who helps out with the little kids? If there is then they should be there helping him out. If not, I'd speak to the school and explain things a bit. Maybe they can help.

Good luck with everything!