First off I want to say thank you to Mike who left a comment for me earlier today. That really helped knowing he's not over there thinking his wife is totally insane..ok so he might be thinking that, but not because of the way I acted this morning. It really helped.
Today ended up being a really good day. I had decided when my son woke up that we were going to go for a walk and maybe have a picnic at one of the playgrounds around here. Well we ended up leaving much later than I had wanted to because my phone kept ringing.
My phone never rings, but the one day I want to get out and do something, it rings like crazy. I talked to my sister for a while then the SGT left in charge of making sure I'm taken care of calls to check on me. She hadn't called since the week after my husband left. It was funny. She said she was waiting for me to call but realized I probably wasn't going to. The way she had it figured was that I was either doing really well or just too stubborn to call her. I admitted I was fine, but probably wouldn't have called her if I wasn't. She's a really nice woman and it was good talking to her. Her husband is also deployed right now.
When I got off the phone, it looked like it was about to start pouring so we walked to the mailbox so I could check the mail and see if it was going to rain. The weather changes really fast here. My CD that I bought off Ebay came today and I was so excited. It was Supernatural by DC Talk. I have been wanting to replace ours for so long and it was nice to have a copy again. It is one of my all time favorite cd's. My husband had sent my son a build-a-bear in the mail and it came today. My son was thrilled. Absolutely thrilled. It's Spidey Bear.
We finally made it out the door and walked to the shopette. We picked up some drinks and chips and he wanted one of those lunchable things. I ended up bringing a sandwich with me. We left there and went to playground area and had a lot of fun there. We were there about an hour when I started to feel a few raindrops so we went home. This was a big deal for us. We hardly ever leave our culdesac so it was an adventure for us. I think we will explore more of the area soon. There is a five mile trail that goes through the housing area. I am so not doing five miles with my son. The way he walks it would take us all day to go one mile. He is SLOW. I mean come on..I'm slow..but even I get annoyed at how slow he walks. Today the entire time we were walking, he was playing with his bear and stopping to look at every thing that was on the ground or moved. At least it didn't matter today because we had time. I ended up getting some really great pictures of him and came home and ordered some for my husband.
My husband emailed me some pictures today. One of him all "hooah-hooah" (His words,not mine.) Basically, it was him in full gear. It was nice to see a recent picture. I told him next I wanted one where i could actually see his face. he sent me one of some of the other soldiers he works with and then one of some of the kids I had mentioned in my last post. These kids were hams and it made me laugh.
So, I am very glad to report that it was a good day after all. Now if only i could figure out why my ultra whiny son is still awake at 1 in the morning the night would be good as well. oh well. Good thing I'm not tired yet. I hope someone out there is getting a good nights sleep for me.
When I got off the phone, it looked like it was about to start pouring so we walked to the mailbox so I could check the mail and see if it was going to rain. The weather changes really fast here. My CD that I bought off Ebay came today and I was so excited. It was Supernatural by DC Talk. I have been wanting to replace ours for so long and it was nice to have a copy again. It is one of my all time favorite cd's. My husband had sent my son a build-a-bear in the mail and it came today. My son was thrilled. Absolutely thrilled. It's Spidey Bear.

We finally made it out the door and walked to the shopette. We picked up some drinks and chips and he wanted one of those lunchable things. I ended up bringing a sandwich with me. We left there and went to playground area and had a lot of fun there. We were there about an hour when I started to feel a few raindrops so we went home. This was a big deal for us. We hardly ever leave our culdesac so it was an adventure for us. I think we will explore more of the area soon. There is a five mile trail that goes through the housing area. I am so not doing five miles with my son. The way he walks it would take us all day to go one mile. He is SLOW. I mean come on..I'm slow..but even I get annoyed at how slow he walks. Today the entire time we were walking, he was playing with his bear and stopping to look at every thing that was on the ground or moved. At least it didn't matter today because we had time. I ended up getting some really great pictures of him and came home and ordered some for my husband.
My husband emailed me some pictures today. One of him all "hooah-hooah" (His words,not mine.) Basically, it was him in full gear. It was nice to see a recent picture. I told him next I wanted one where i could actually see his face. he sent me one of some of the other soldiers he works with and then one of some of the kids I had mentioned in my last post. These kids were hams and it made me laugh.
So, I am very glad to report that it was a good day after all. Now if only i could figure out why my ultra whiny son is still awake at 1 in the morning the night would be good as well. oh well. Good thing I'm not tired yet. I hope someone out there is getting a good nights sleep for me.