It makes me want to wag my tail. When it comes I want to yell MAIL! Yes...that was sung, but not out loud. If I did, I would hear it from now until eternity. For those of you who for some reason have been stranded on another planet, that is the mail song from Blue's Clues. Well at least it was at one point. I don't even know if that show comes on anymore much less has the same mail song. Anyway, I guess I should get to why I'm even singing such a silly song.
It really isn't all that unusual that I would be singing a silly song, but this one was because we had a wonderful day when the mail came. It wasn't bad before, but this definitely perked us up. My mail came with a birth announcement from a friend back in SC. It had pictures of all of her kids in it for me including the newest addition. Oh she is a beautiful little girl. That entire family is gorgeous! Also in the mail was a bill I had already paid and four packages.
The first package was a pair of shoes I had bought for my son off of ebay. They were brand new Star Wars shoes. He loved them and I relished the fact that I had saved about $10 including shipping buying them off of ebay.
The second package was the Spiderman 2 movie I bought off of ebay for really cheap. My son was in heaven. I'm already tired of watching it.
The third package was yet another thing I had bought on ebay. It is a beautiful box I am going to use to keep my spicy letters from my husband in. The outside has a dragon and crane on the top and a lotus blossom and some other flower on the front. On the inside it has beautiful pictures on the top and bottom. These pictures look like something out of the kama sutra, but with a chinese feel to it. I absolutely love it!
The last package was the best in my opinion. It was from my husband and I had been waiting a few weeks for it. It had a shirt and a set of rattlesnake egg magnet things for my son. You toss the magnets in the air and they make this whirring sound as they hit together. For me there was a silver pendant that has my name in english on one side and arabic on the other. I can't wait to get a chain so I can wear it. He also bought me a hat. It is a booney least I think that is what they are called. I will post some pictures instead of trying to describe it to you. One side of it is folded down because it has where he is stationed embroidered on it. It has tweety on it. I have loved Tweety as long as I can remember. I even went through a big tweety collection phase. I hardly ever get anything with Tweety on it anymore so this was a great surprise. I love everything he gave me. It was like Christmas again.