All in all we made it through the week alright. Had a few really rough moments, but the good ones far outweighed the bad ones. I think the hardest thing for me so far is that my son is really starting to miss his friend. That is what he calls his daddy now. "My Friend" I wish I could take this time and make it go so fast he didn't realize it was happening. I wish I could just make it all better for him, but I can't and that bothers me. I can't wait until we will be able to have more regular communication because it will do us both some good to at least be able to talk to him. I'm hoping he will be able to get regular internet access so he can use the webcam I bought him for Christmas and we will be able to see him too.
I had a really good day, but tonight my heart is aching to hear his voice. I'm sort of doubting it will happen, but it would be nice. We got an update through the FRG saying all is well and they are anxious to move on. It included a reminder that lines were very long for everything and time was very short so we shouldn't expect to hear much. I'm glad for those reminders. It helps me keep my expectations low. That is something I have found very useful in this past year.
My neighbors left tonight for the mainland. They were wonderful neighbors and I'm going to miss them. My son is going to miss their son and dogs. I am hoping to make many new friends here, but that is something that will take a little time. I need to work on forming friendships faster. Time is not always a luxury we have. There is another neighbor in our set of houses that I really liked. She is very nice and seems like she would be a lot of fun to be with. She, the neighbor that moved, and myself all gave out candy together on Halloween night and we had a lot of fun. It was really nice to be with a group of women. I will try to get to know her better. She has a son two years older than mine but they get along alright. Both love star wars so it is not like they will have a hard time finding something to do.
I am almost finally completely healed from the whole biopsy incident. I can't wait because I want to go swimming. We have a pool right around the corner here and we are dying to go there. My son is getting impatient and admittedly so am I. It is so odd to be thinking of swimming a week before Christmas. I would love to go to the beach but we would have to go to one on the other side of the island as the ones here are too rough this time of year and I'm not driving yet so that's out of the question. I live very near Oahu's famous North Shore. I can actually see it from the intersection to the main highway from our housing areas. Most of the beaches up here this time of year are very dangerous with the high surf which makes them popular with surfers. The Banzai Pipeline, Sunset Beach, Haleiwa, and Waimea Bay are all really close to here. We haven't had time to go since the "winter" season waves have started. I will definitely try to sometime before it's over though.The picture below is from Haleiwa at Sunset in October. I think that is where we were. We were somewhere in that area though so if it isn't Haleiwa then it is somewhere close to there and still on the North Shore.

Ok so it was another long ramble, but I honestly feel a lot better. I guess sometimes I just need to get it out. I guess I will try and sleep for a while. I feel so weird going to bed when almost everyone I know is either well into their day or about to start it. Gotta love being in the middle of an ocean. Makes life a little more interesting.