12/26/2005 09:18:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
Today I feel so out of it. Like I'm a walking zombie. I'm so glad christmas is over. New years won't be a big deal because we usually are in bed before midnight anyway. It was so good to sleep last night. I actually managed to sleep through a text message. Thank God it wasn't my husband. I feel like I could still use a lot more sleep. I guess all of this emotional crap is getting to me. I am so wanting to cry right now but there isn't anything left. Maybe this is a good thing. Now I get to fill back up with better feelings and better thoughts.
I found out yesterday when my husband is supposed to be home on R&R and I'm liking the dates. Of course, now that I have admited that to the world, they will totally change. Anyway, it gives me a point to look forward to and a much closer date to count down to. The odd thing is that my ticker says that there are 348 days until he comes home. A lot of you are going to look at that and say that seems like forever, but to me it doesn't seem as long as it might once have.
Onward ho!
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