Valentine's day. For some reason I'm just not feeling it this year. Being a romantic at heart, this holiday has always been one I looked forward to. Even when nothing was really going to happen. Last year was really great. My husband left me a little token of his affection out waiting for me when I woke up to get the boy ready for school. He had also left a little treat out for the boy. It was really sweet. That evening we were supposed to babysit our nephew but my sister had tricked us and instead did a party for all of us. It was really sweet.
This year my husband will be home and, while I am thrilled at that, I am not feeling doing anything special. We talked about going this weekend to go see the Pink Panther 2 movie but other than that we have made no plans. We just bought a Wii so we aren't doing the gift thing. We will pick up something simple for the boy but that will be it. To me it seems like it's just another day and it's not as disappointing as I thought it would be.
Does that mean I have lost my desire for romance? No way. I think it's just that I don't see the point in having a day set aside just for that purpose. Especially since it seems to be more about making money than anything. I think I'm just starting to prefer my romance random and when I can get it. It's more special that way.
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