I have had a very interesting day and am really just very happy right now.
When I woke up at 5:45 I noticed that it was unusually bright. I looked out the window and that was when I saw that the world was covered in a gorgeous blanket of white. It had already snowed at least a good inch and was still coming down pretty good. Now I'm from the south so this would usually mean that everything was going to be closed and life as we knew it came to a halt. I say this but I only remember it snowing once when I was a child. It was that way when it snowed in South Carolina though. Unfortunately a few inches of snow isn't enough to stop the world here so I had to get my son ready for school. It was a bit of a struggle because all he wanted was to go outside and play.
It turns out that the mighty army can be delayed by a few inches of snow. My husband was told work was postponed until 1300 and since my son had an appointment not long after that time he pretty much had the day off. Of course they couldn't have called him before he was halfway to work but that's ok We spent the morning finishing a Christmas gift and just hanging out together.It was really night to have that time with just us.
After lunch we dragged ourselves out into the snow to go to my son's appointment. I have never been in a car when this much snow is down and I have to say it wasn't as bad as I expected. I love our car with it's traction control and my husband is a great driver in the snow. After the appointment we went to the library and signed up for library cards. In a matter of 5 minutes I had picked up about 8 books that I will devour over the next two weeks I have to relax. My son picked out two and I am sure that he will totally enjoy them.
We have only been home a few minutes and I have already had an interesting time. I got to wrap my son's gift for his dad. It was a first in the fact that all I did was send him to school with some money and he picked it out himself. After we finished, my husband helped him wrap his gift for me. He was so excited. My sister called just after that to tell me that she had her ultrasound and she is having another boy. She was a little disappointed because she was wanting a little girl to play dress up with but I'm sure she will be thrilled in time.
My day of fun is nowhere near over. I'm going to get off of here and go teach my little man how to make snow angels and probably get pelted with several sow balls in the process. I'm sure I will eventually get rid of the snow but today it has just made everything feel more Christmasy. I'll have to enjoy it while I can because my actual Christmas will be warm.
YAY for snow!
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