2/01/2008 01:44:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
Last year I blogged about a "friend" that had really effected my past. You can go read about it HERE if you feel the need to refresh your memory.
Needless to say, this person got in touch with me through myspace and decided he wants things to be like the 'old days' meaning before he turned into a total ass. He even apologized for the way things ended between us. He doesn't know about the consequences of how he treated me...not the big one at least but his apology still meant a lot to me. It's one of those things you think will never come and when it does it feels nice. The bad part of it all is that it brought up all of those memories and feelings I've worked so hard at forgetting or moving on from. I feel so weak for not just being able to take it and move on. I pretty much told him that him trying to be like things never changed wasn't going to work. He isn't going to understand why and my husband doesn't think I should fill him in on what he doesn't know, though I really would love to just have at it and let him know just what a jerk he is..but it really isn't going to do any good. Now I'm just back to where I was and I feel so mad that I let an email bother me so much. Maybe this will give me closure and be done with. I want that more than anything.
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