My son is clearly growing up on me and there's nothing I can do to freeze the days and make them last longer. As with every growth, there are some growing pains. He's pulling more stunts and trying to push bigger boundaries. Tonight he tried giving me a really big guilt trip because he was punished and I wasn't giving in. He gave me big crocodile tears and told me I was breaking his heart. It was truly cute. I had a really hard time not laughing at first. After a while it got old and he was threatened with an even longer punishment if he didn't stop. I'm turning into a regular meanie.
The thing that is getting me most is that he is coming into his own as far as things he enjoys and expanding his creativity. He's always had a really creative mind as far as building things and acting things out. Now, thanks to High School Musical and Disney Channel, he's found a creativity for singing and dancing. Today he was writing his own songs. He would tell his dad the words and make him write them down then he would go to whatever instrument(made out of legos or a bucket) he was playing and make my husband sing the song back exactly the way he taught it to him. It was so cute and the songs were really not bad. They always had a really weird line thrown in the middle of it that would just make you laugh.
Not much else going on in my world. Hubby is busy with work world. I'm spending time with my sister, friend, or hanging out at home. My friend and I are supposed to start going to the gym tomorrow morning but I have somehow hurt my knee and I don't know how. It doesn't seem too bad, just hurts when I try to stand up. Once I'm up it's ok. Achy but ok. I'm thinking of taking tomorrow off, but I don't know. It totally sucks. I really really wanted to work out. I'm happy that I have someone to work out with.
Well I'm going to do one more thing then hopefully get some sleep.
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