Today was definitely an interesting one. My sister called me this afternoon and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with them. Of course I wanted to. Any chance I get to see my new nephew I'm gonna jump on. So we are getting ready when my husband informs me that he can't find his wallet. I freaked out. His wallet had both of our military ids in it as well as other important stuff and when my husband loses something he really loses it. Examples. He lost our car key while on a 4 mile run for pt on post. Did I mention that he had no idea where on that stretch of 4 miles he lost it? He lost my cell phone, no idea where and we have yet to find it. That was in February. you see why I was freaking out?
The only place he can think it might be is in his office. His locked office and can you guess where the key to the office is? Yup, in his wallet. He called the other person that shares the office with him and they are in Downtown Honolulu visiting with friends. He can't get in touch with whoever it is that is supposed to be on staff duty and would have the master key so they can go check for him. All this time he's saying he'll drive down there, explain to them why he doesn't have his ID and they'll let him on base. The flaw in this thinking is that his liscense is in his wallet he doesn't have..yeah. The police are just going to say "go ahead and drive on post without a liscense or id." Wake up dear. I think you are in la la land. He wouldn't listen until I yelled at him telling him there was no way in hell he was getting in my car and driving ANYWHERE without a liscense. That shut him up. I don't usually yell at him, but I have serious issues with the idea of him driving without a liscense. I'll post about that later. My sister and her boyfriend (and my adorable little nephew) came and picked my husband up and drove him to his office. After having to track down the person on duty, waiting for the other person to finish eating, and then getting them to go unlock his office, he called me to say it was on his desk and that he remembered why he left it there. Finally I could breathe and calm down.
So he comes home and we head out to have dinner with my sis and her crew. I couldn't stop staring at my nephew. He is so gorgeous. I just want to kiss him all over and hold him forever. I was thinking I wouldn't get to hold him, but I did and it got to me. I haven't held a little one like that in forever. I didn't get to hold him long because my sister is still in that new mom doesn't want to let go phase. I don't blame her. I'd be the same way. I got to hold him and kiss him so I was happy. Dinner was good and our waitress was really sweet and considerate. She made sure my sister was well taken care of which is good because she was having to alternate between taking care of the baby and trying to eat as well as visit. Another thing I loved is that she made my son feel special. She told him how well behaved he was and, when she found out he loved all of the sports memorabilia on the walls, she took him to see this huge tennis ball they have in another part of the restaurant. He loved it! It made me happy because, when a baby is around, people have the tendency to pay attention to only the baby. My son has been the only kid around for a while and is used to my sister and her boyfriend spoiling him with attention so I'm sure having everyone gush all over the baby is a lot for him. He's doing really well though.
Oh, funny story. On the 4th we went to the fireworks on post and bumped into a friend of my husband's and his wife. They've only been married since December, but the guy was my husband's roommate when they were deployed. My son walked up to his wife and patted her stomach saying "you have a baby in there." We all laughed it off and I assured her he didn't mean she looked like it that it was probably just him being used to my sister being pregnant. She really didn't look pregnant at all. She laughed and said that she wished she was pregnant and that they were trying but told my son "no, not yet." Well tonight her husband called mine because he is going to fix our brakes and he told hubby that they just found out she was pregnant. He commented on how weird it was that my son said she was when no one thought she was and it turned out she really is. He then joked because my son had asked him "what about you?" right after saying that to his wife. I just think it's cool that he somehow knew.
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