So I'm without my son for yet another night. This is the third night that he has stayed with my dad. He is really having a lot of fun and that makes me really happy, but I have to admit that I totally miss my baby. I got to talk to him today and I could really tell he was having fun. I'm so pathetic. There are so many times I wish I could have a break and now that I do all I want is my baby back. OH well. I'll see him when we go to the beach tomorrow and I know I'll get to take him home tomorrow. My dad and stepmom have reserved a room in Waikiki for Sunday and Monday night and since school starts on Tuesday, I'm letting him have his time with my parents. They don't get to see him a lot anyway.
This visit is going a heck of a lot better than I thought it would. I didn't realize how much I missed my dad. We're having a lot of fun and I can't wait until the beach tomorrow. I don't really care for the beach we are going to but it will be fun with family. We get to go to the beach again Sunday for church. I've never been to a service on the beach. Hubby has to work it so we are going with him. I think it will be a neat experience though. They are supposed to do lunch afterwards. That sounds fun too. I'm definitely going to have to get some batteries for my camera before then.
Yesterday we had to go to a get together for my husband's work. It was held on Hickam AFB at this point that had some of the most beautiful views. From there you could see the city in the distance as well as Diamond head. The water was so beautiful. It was a little noisy because we were right near the runway that both the AFB and airport share, but it wasn't really as bad as you would expect. I was kicking myself for forgetting my camera. I know my husband got really tired of hearing me say that I wished I had it. We had a lot of fun and they had some decent food there. Most of the people there were officers and their spouses so I felt a little out of place, but we still managed to have fun. One of these days I will get over my being shy around new people but I'm finding there is always at least one person who is not shy about saying hello. That person tends to be rather interesting and loud as well as very opinionated. Makes for some interesting conversation.
Well my husband is giving me the "hurry up and get done blogging already" look so I'm going to stop typing. I'm sure you're ready to stop reading the rambling anyway. Have some fun this weekend.
Ok, there is a reason I put this on here. It's all because of one quote.
"You're messing with the order! You don't go messing with the order!
My husband and I have a system. When I'm really tired, I talk a lot. Constant rambling about nothing in particular. So when we are laying in bed and I'm rambling, he will mhmmm some until he falls asleep. When it's out of my system, I fall asleep. It's been a highly effective system for the past 8 years.
Tonight I was on my rambling spree and my husband interupts me and says "Goodnight, baby. I love you." I said "I love you too. Is that your way of saying shut up baby?" His reply was "Well I was trying to say it nicer than that." He went on to say he didn't want to be rude and just ignore me. As soon as he said that, the quote from that cartoon popped in my head. I laughed and told him that and he laughed as well, but there is a point. It has worked for 8 years and I was really thrown by the change. Not upset, just thrown. Just thought I'd share.
We were making tacos tonight and I wanted some taco sauce for them and I didn't want to have to buy some so I decided to look online for a recipe. I found one that was supposedly for a taco bell taco sauce, but I didn't have a few of the spices so I changed it some and it was so awesome! I'm talking, eat it all by itself like a soup, awesome. It will definitely become a regular for us.
Taco Sauce
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1/3 cup water
1 3/4 teaspoon chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons instant minced onion
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 pinch salt
Mix in saucepan. Cover and simmer on low for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. Delicious!
Taco Sauce
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1/3 cup water
1 3/4 teaspoon chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons instant minced onion
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 pinch salt
Mix in saucepan. Cover and simmer on low for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. Delicious!
I mentioned several weeks ago that I was in an online portfolio contest. Well they set the deadline for August 1 and I am happy to say that I completed my portfolio. I had so much fun doing it and definitely pushed myself do do different things than I normally would. You can see the finished product HERE.
I said I'd post some pictures from this weekend, so here I go.

I took a good bit more, but I thought I'd just put these few out there. All of the ones I posted, with the exception of the one of my son, were taken in a small town called Haleiwa. I seem to really get some great pictures there. They are having an Arts festival this weekend and I am so looking forward to it.

I took a good bit more, but I thought I'd just put these few out there. All of the ones I posted, with the exception of the one of my son, were taken in a small town called Haleiwa. I seem to really get some great pictures there. They are having an Arts festival this weekend and I am so looking forward to it.
So visiting paradise is wonderful but after a while living here has it's toll on someone used to the mainland. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. It's just on days like today I want to run screaming back to South Carolina.
So I mentioned before we were supposed to get our brake pads changed today and the rear brakes were locking. Well turns out not one of the auto parts places had them in stock and when they order them they are going to cost double what they normally would because they all only carry the more expensive brands. Now if we had known this before, we could have planned for it, but leave it to my husband and his friend to not even bother checking to see if they were in stock anywhere here and how much they were going to cost. Nope, they waited until almost 6 pm today (which is what time every one of the auto parts store closes) to drive around and see if they could find them. I so married a genius. (Yes, that was serious sarcasm. I'm irritated, what can I say?)If it hadn't been for me telling them to park somewhere and give me a little time to call around, they would probably still be driving around. What made it worse was that it seems every parts store where I lived before we moved here has the parts we need in stock and the cheaper ones to boot. What is it about this place that they feel the need to make us pay SOOOO much more.
Best scenario is going to be getting one of our parents to pick up the parts and mail them to us or ordering them online. Looks like ordering them online is going to be the most feasible option,(overnight shipping here is outrageous when you can find someone who even does it,) which means it will be sometime next week before we have them. Hubby's friend is fixing the car so the brakes will work without ruining the rotors in the back as they are the ones that are really shot. Hopefully this will work. I'm just glad his friend is better at working on cars than he is planning ahead.
Is today over yet?
So I mentioned before we were supposed to get our brake pads changed today and the rear brakes were locking. Well turns out not one of the auto parts places had them in stock and when they order them they are going to cost double what they normally would because they all only carry the more expensive brands. Now if we had known this before, we could have planned for it, but leave it to my husband and his friend to not even bother checking to see if they were in stock anywhere here and how much they were going to cost. Nope, they waited until almost 6 pm today (which is what time every one of the auto parts store closes) to drive around and see if they could find them. I so married a genius. (Yes, that was serious sarcasm. I'm irritated, what can I say?)If it hadn't been for me telling them to park somewhere and give me a little time to call around, they would probably still be driving around. What made it worse was that it seems every parts store where I lived before we moved here has the parts we need in stock and the cheaper ones to boot. What is it about this place that they feel the need to make us pay SOOOO much more.
Best scenario is going to be getting one of our parents to pick up the parts and mail them to us or ordering them online. Looks like ordering them online is going to be the most feasible option,(overnight shipping here is outrageous when you can find someone who even does it,) which means it will be sometime next week before we have them. Hubby's friend is fixing the car so the brakes will work without ruining the rotors in the back as they are the ones that are really shot. Hopefully this will work. I'm just glad his friend is better at working on cars than he is planning ahead.
Is today over yet?
I don't consider myself a superstitious person but today is making me question that. My husband called me to tell me that our car is not letting him back up so he's stuck on post until after work. hopefully then a friend of ours, who was going to change the brake pads anyway, will be able to fix it.. I so hope it doesn't cost more than it already was. ICK!
Today was definitely an interesting one. My sister called me this afternoon and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with them. Of course I wanted to. Any chance I get to see my new nephew I'm gonna jump on. So we are getting ready when my husband informs me that he can't find his wallet. I freaked out. His wallet had both of our military ids in it as well as other important stuff and when my husband loses something he really loses it. Examples. He lost our car key while on a 4 mile run for pt on post. Did I mention that he had no idea where on that stretch of 4 miles he lost it? He lost my cell phone, no idea where and we have yet to find it. That was in February. you see why I was freaking out?
The only place he can think it might be is in his office. His locked office and can you guess where the key to the office is? Yup, in his wallet. He called the other person that shares the office with him and they are in Downtown Honolulu visiting with friends. He can't get in touch with whoever it is that is supposed to be on staff duty and would have the master key so they can go check for him. All this time he's saying he'll drive down there, explain to them why he doesn't have his ID and they'll let him on base. The flaw in this thinking is that his liscense is in his wallet he doesn't have..yeah. The police are just going to say "go ahead and drive on post without a liscense or id." Wake up dear. I think you are in la la land. He wouldn't listen until I yelled at him telling him there was no way in hell he was getting in my car and driving ANYWHERE without a liscense. That shut him up. I don't usually yell at him, but I have serious issues with the idea of him driving without a liscense. I'll post about that later. My sister and her boyfriend (and my adorable little nephew) came and picked my husband up and drove him to his office. After having to track down the person on duty, waiting for the other person to finish eating, and then getting them to go unlock his office, he called me to say it was on his desk and that he remembered why he left it there. Finally I could breathe and calm down.
So he comes home and we head out to have dinner with my sis and her crew. I couldn't stop staring at my nephew. He is so gorgeous. I just want to kiss him all over and hold him forever. I was thinking I wouldn't get to hold him, but I did and it got to me. I haven't held a little one like that in forever. I didn't get to hold him long because my sister is still in that new mom doesn't want to let go phase. I don't blame her. I'd be the same way. I got to hold him and kiss him so I was happy. Dinner was good and our waitress was really sweet and considerate. She made sure my sister was well taken care of which is good because she was having to alternate between taking care of the baby and trying to eat as well as visit. Another thing I loved is that she made my son feel special. She told him how well behaved he was and, when she found out he loved all of the sports memorabilia on the walls, she took him to see this huge tennis ball they have in another part of the restaurant. He loved it! It made me happy because, when a baby is around, people have the tendency to pay attention to only the baby. My son has been the only kid around for a while and is used to my sister and her boyfriend spoiling him with attention so I'm sure having everyone gush all over the baby is a lot for him. He's doing really well though.
Oh, funny story. On the 4th we went to the fireworks on post and bumped into a friend of my husband's and his wife. They've only been married since December, but the guy was my husband's roommate when they were deployed. My son walked up to his wife and patted her stomach saying "you have a baby in there." We all laughed it off and I assured her he didn't mean she looked like it that it was probably just him being used to my sister being pregnant. She really didn't look pregnant at all. She laughed and said that she wished she was pregnant and that they were trying but told my son "no, not yet." Well tonight her husband called mine because he is going to fix our brakes and he told hubby that they just found out she was pregnant. He commented on how weird it was that my son said she was when no one thought she was and it turned out she really is. He then joked because my son had asked him "what about you?" right after saying that to his wife. I just think it's cool that he somehow knew.
The only place he can think it might be is in his office. His locked office and can you guess where the key to the office is? Yup, in his wallet. He called the other person that shares the office with him and they are in Downtown Honolulu visiting with friends. He can't get in touch with whoever it is that is supposed to be on staff duty and would have the master key so they can go check for him. All this time he's saying he'll drive down there, explain to them why he doesn't have his ID and they'll let him on base. The flaw in this thinking is that his liscense is in his wallet he doesn't have..yeah. The police are just going to say "go ahead and drive on post without a liscense or id." Wake up dear. I think you are in la la land. He wouldn't listen until I yelled at him telling him there was no way in hell he was getting in my car and driving ANYWHERE without a liscense. That shut him up. I don't usually yell at him, but I have serious issues with the idea of him driving without a liscense. I'll post about that later. My sister and her boyfriend (and my adorable little nephew) came and picked my husband up and drove him to his office. After having to track down the person on duty, waiting for the other person to finish eating, and then getting them to go unlock his office, he called me to say it was on his desk and that he remembered why he left it there. Finally I could breathe and calm down.
So he comes home and we head out to have dinner with my sis and her crew. I couldn't stop staring at my nephew. He is so gorgeous. I just want to kiss him all over and hold him forever. I was thinking I wouldn't get to hold him, but I did and it got to me. I haven't held a little one like that in forever. I didn't get to hold him long because my sister is still in that new mom doesn't want to let go phase. I don't blame her. I'd be the same way. I got to hold him and kiss him so I was happy. Dinner was good and our waitress was really sweet and considerate. She made sure my sister was well taken care of which is good because she was having to alternate between taking care of the baby and trying to eat as well as visit. Another thing I loved is that she made my son feel special. She told him how well behaved he was and, when she found out he loved all of the sports memorabilia on the walls, she took him to see this huge tennis ball they have in another part of the restaurant. He loved it! It made me happy because, when a baby is around, people have the tendency to pay attention to only the baby. My son has been the only kid around for a while and is used to my sister and her boyfriend spoiling him with attention so I'm sure having everyone gush all over the baby is a lot for him. He's doing really well though.
Oh, funny story. On the 4th we went to the fireworks on post and bumped into a friend of my husband's and his wife. They've only been married since December, but the guy was my husband's roommate when they were deployed. My son walked up to his wife and patted her stomach saying "you have a baby in there." We all laughed it off and I assured her he didn't mean she looked like it that it was probably just him being used to my sister being pregnant. She really didn't look pregnant at all. She laughed and said that she wished she was pregnant and that they were trying but told my son "no, not yet." Well tonight her husband called mine because he is going to fix our brakes and he told hubby that they just found out she was pregnant. He commented on how weird it was that my son said she was when no one thought she was and it turned out she really is. He then joked because my son had asked him "what about you?" right after saying that to his wife. I just think it's cool that he somehow knew.
Ok, I just need to blow off some frustration so I won't blame you for skipping this post.
I am so tired of the pain. I'm referring to the nerve pain in my face that I think now has also added muscle pain as well. I feel muscles pulling in weird places. All I know is that, on days like today, it doesn't feel like the medicine is helping and I'm so frustrated. I've been hurting since yesterday evening and instead of getting better, it's getting worse. I'm back to the needing to lay down and close my eyes type of pain and have ton of things I really need to be doing instead. Thank God I have an understanding husband and son. It's getting really hard on my son though. He is sweet about it, but it's hard to hear him say "You have a headache every time." That's my son's way of saying I always have a headache and he's not too far off. I know it's supposed to be a good thing, but why do I always fall into the small percentage of people that the bad medical side effects happen to? Most people recovering don't have the severe pain with the nerve regeneration. Figures. I guess I'm going to lay on the couch and try not to cry. Maybe if I close my eyes I won't see all the stuff I need to be doing and maybe I'll think of something to help me not feel like so much of a horrible mom because my son is laying on the couch watching cartoons instead of playing outside or doing something better for him to be doing.
I am so tired of the pain. I'm referring to the nerve pain in my face that I think now has also added muscle pain as well. I feel muscles pulling in weird places. All I know is that, on days like today, it doesn't feel like the medicine is helping and I'm so frustrated. I've been hurting since yesterday evening and instead of getting better, it's getting worse. I'm back to the needing to lay down and close my eyes type of pain and have ton of things I really need to be doing instead. Thank God I have an understanding husband and son. It's getting really hard on my son though. He is sweet about it, but it's hard to hear him say "You have a headache every time." That's my son's way of saying I always have a headache and he's not too far off. I know it's supposed to be a good thing, but why do I always fall into the small percentage of people that the bad medical side effects happen to? Most people recovering don't have the severe pain with the nerve regeneration. Figures. I guess I'm going to lay on the couch and try not to cry. Maybe if I close my eyes I won't see all the stuff I need to be doing and maybe I'll think of something to help me not feel like so much of a horrible mom because my son is laying on the couch watching cartoons instead of playing outside or doing something better for him to be doing.
It's almost 3 am and I am unbelievably wide awake. I don't know what it is, but I so can't sleep. I have spent the past hour and half on myspace surfing through the music. I don't know what I would have done without it. It gave me something to do. I'm finding the good thing about this is some of my friends are awake because they are in a much later time zone. Yay for friends to talk to.
OOOOH I so love this song. The Beatles are just so awesome! I'm listening to Help btw. (Goes off dancing)
OOOOH I so love this song. The Beatles are just so awesome! I'm listening to Help btw. (Goes off dancing)
Ok so it turned out to be a misunderstanding. She called to talk to me today and could tell I was a little upset. She finally dragged out of me that I had been wanting to be there the day before and she said "Well I thought you would be here. I was surprised you weren't!" I told her that I had been told by her guy not to come up more than once. She had no idea he had told me that so the whole time she was thinking I just didn't want to come up. She wanted me there and seemed a little disappointed that I hadn't been. That made me feel so much better. I'm not mad at her guy. It's not his fault that he was stressed because she was in pain and tried to be overprotective. It's not his fault he's a guy and doesn't get that a woman wants her family around. He'll learn. If not, I'll have to strangle him. That's my baby sister and I'm going to be there for the big things in her life whether he wants me there or not!
All is well now. The baby is on an iv because his gluclose levels are a little low and they want to get them up. My sister is being a mom and worried about him a little. I know how that is. They will both be fine though. She has done really well. I'm really proud of her.
Well I need to pass some pictures along to family and cook some dinner. My men are camping out in the backyard so I need to get them set up for that.
All is well now. The baby is on an iv because his gluclose levels are a little low and they want to get them up. My sister is being a mom and worried about him a little. I know how that is. They will both be fine though. She has done really well. I'm really proud of her.
Well I need to pass some pictures along to family and cook some dinner. My men are camping out in the backyard so I need to get them set up for that.
I'm an aunt to what I am only going to assume is a gorgeous little boy. My sister had her son a little over an hour ago. Since this is my blog and she doesn't know much about it, I'll be brutally honest. I thought I would be overwhelmed with joy. Lord knows I was so excited when she called this morning to tell me that she was headed to the hospital to be checked. For the past month or so we have been waiting for this day. She always talked about this day with the conversation saying that they would need to call this person or that person but I would be at the hospital. That said, imagine my disappointment when I got a two minute phone call an hour after she has the baby and all I can get out of them is that he is "5lbs 11oz or so" and she "Guesses" I can come by tomorrow. I have been waiting all day for them to call me. I am the only family she has here and I feel like somehow it went from her wanting me to be part of it to not even being wanted to go see my nephew. I can't put it into words really but I'm hurt. Very hurt. I so could understand her not wanting me in the room, but she didn't even want me at the hospital! She had no problem calling me all the times she needed something or was bored and wanted me to go over there to keep her company, and I was always there for her. Even when I would have liked to have just had a day with my husband and son, I gave her all of my attention and consideration. I just don't rank sharing the special moments with I guess.
Maybe I am being selfish. I'm feeling a lot of that today. I'm glad she is healthy and well and the baby is here. I just feel really hurt and left out. I'll get over it. When I called my other sister to let her know the baby was here, she didn't mind rubbing it in that I wasn't there. I know that was just her being jealous because she didn't even get a phone call. She told me that she would have gone up there anyway. I didn't do that because what is the point of being there when she didn't want me there. It's not like she didn't have enough to think about without having someone there she'd rather wasn't. It was her day after all.
Ok, I'll get over myself. I promise. I should be used to this type of thing from my family. She's moving this time next year and I won't see her for a while I'm sure. Why does family have to be so stressful?
Maybe I am being selfish. I'm feeling a lot of that today. I'm glad she is healthy and well and the baby is here. I just feel really hurt and left out. I'll get over it. When I called my other sister to let her know the baby was here, she didn't mind rubbing it in that I wasn't there. I know that was just her being jealous because she didn't even get a phone call. She told me that she would have gone up there anyway. I didn't do that because what is the point of being there when she didn't want me there. It's not like she didn't have enough to think about without having someone there she'd rather wasn't. It was her day after all.
Ok, I'll get over myself. I promise. I should be used to this type of thing from my family. She's moving this time next year and I won't see her for a while I'm sure. Why does family have to be so stressful?
Funny Quote of the Day - Dustin Hoffman - "The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk."
I saw this on my google and had to post it because it made me laugh. He obviously wasn't talking about the type you get from chilling a coconut, drilling a hole in it, and sticking a straw in it. All I have to say about that is NASTY! Maybe some people like it. In fact, I'm sure some do or they wouldn't sell them like that, but it was so bitter. Give me some fresh chilled pineapple any day. Now that is heaven!
Here are the pictures. The ones that look like I was shaking or something because they are squiggly lines are really how the fireworks looked. Those did squiggles and curly q's. it was so neat!

I hope everyone had a fun filled fourth. I know that we did. We went to the "spectacular" they had on post. As I mentioned in my last post, hubby had flag duty, so we decided to go up there about 1:00 since he had to be there for 3:15. It was so hot out there. The actual temperature wasn't that bad, but the sun was killer. Even my son, who will let himself get sick before saying he's hot, was asking for an umbrella. We played some games and had a picture taken. He got his face painted with fireworks, but wanted it taken off not long after that. When we started getting hot and wanted a break, we grabbed some food and headed to the car to enjoy the air conditioning in it. My son had cheese pizza. That was no surprise. My husband and I wanted to try some of the different stuff so we did a lot of sharing and had some to bring home too. We were going to try thai food, but there wasn't anything there that looked appetizing at the moment. The only thing they had really was yellow curry hamburger or something like that. We did grab some spring rolls from them. They were yummy. We also tried some vegetable and pork lumpia which I think is a Filipino version of a spring roll. We tried the banana lumpia and I have to say YUMMY. It was all delicious. I had some Hawaiian steak and hubby had some garlic shrimp which is also pretty popular on the island. It was all so yummy.
By the time hubby had to go to formation, we were cooled off enough to walk around and play a few more games. It ended up taking a lot longer for hubby so my son and I spent the last half hour in the car. It started getting more crowded and even hotter. We had fun. My son and I played with this snake and guitar he got. As soon as the flag was done, we came home and relaxed for a few hours.
About an hour before it was time to start, we headed back to post to go to the fireworks show. There were so many people there. After finding my sister, we went and found a place for all of us to sit for the show and staked our claim. We just stayed there until it started. I decided to take a few pictures and will post a few of them at this. All in all not too bad for my first time. The show was nice. My son loved it. I was disappointed because they hyped it up so much that I just expected more. It was still fun though. Not sure if we will go there next year or what. All in all it was a great day and I am glad we were all together.
I changed my mind. I'll add fireworks photos in a new post later today.
By the time hubby had to go to formation, we were cooled off enough to walk around and play a few more games. It ended up taking a lot longer for hubby so my son and I spent the last half hour in the car. It started getting more crowded and even hotter. We had fun. My son and I played with this snake and guitar he got. As soon as the flag was done, we came home and relaxed for a few hours.
About an hour before it was time to start, we headed back to post to go to the fireworks show. There were so many people there. After finding my sister, we went and found a place for all of us to sit for the show and staked our claim. We just stayed there until it started. I decided to take a few pictures and will post a few of them at this. All in all not too bad for my first time. The show was nice. My son loved it. I was disappointed because they hyped it up so much that I just expected more. It was still fun though. Not sure if we will go there next year or what. All in all it was a great day and I am glad we were all together.
I changed my mind. I'll add fireworks photos in a new post later today.
I've become the person that constantly regrets leaving their house without their camera. It never fails that I find something I wish I had my camera for. I swear I need to have it permanently attached to my hand or something. Last night we went to a little town not far from here to grab something to eat at this place we'd heard about. Before we even made it out of the housing are, I told my husband I was going to regret not having my camera. He offered to go back and get it but the batteries are dead so it didn't really matter. Sure enough there were about a million things that I wanted to take a picture of. That doesn't surprise me considering we were heading towards a place that has gorgeous sunsets and the most amazing beach view. For those of you familiar with the area, we were headed down Kam Hwy towards Haleiwa.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. They are having a big carnival thing on post and we are going. I don't know if I mentioned this already. Hubby has flag duty and apparently they bring out the really nice flag for the 4th so it's a bigger to do. I can't wait. Another thing I can't wait for is to try the different foods there. They advertised Thai, Korean, and all sorts of other foods. I have been wanting to try a lot of them so maybe this is my chance. I think my son will love the rides. I'm not sure if we will stay there for the fireworks. It's supposed to have one of the biggest displays on the island but I know it will be so crowded. I guess we will have to see. I'm thinking that we won't head over until just before hubby has flag duty that way we aren't there all day and we can spend time enjoying all the fun stuff afterwards. Either way it will be fun.
This will be the first year in a long time that we are really celebrating. Last year he was in Iraq and I didn't really get to do anything. The year before that he was in AIT so we didn't get to celebrate either. I'm really looking forward to this. It's going to be fun. I'm finding I'm much more patriotic since he joined the military. I guess I just get it more now. The coolest thing about tomorrow is that the concerts and fireworks are being broadcast live to the soldiers in Iraq. One of the big divisions here is deployed so they are trying to do something special for it. Family members of the deployed soldiers are really getting a lot of benefits tomorrow as well. I'm glad they will be. It really seems to make a difference when the bigger units are deployed. They did very little when my husband's unit was deployed. Oh well. Progress is a good thing.
Ok so I must have a rambling problem today. I'm going to go find something better to do with my time.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. They are having a big carnival thing on post and we are going. I don't know if I mentioned this already. Hubby has flag duty and apparently they bring out the really nice flag for the 4th so it's a bigger to do. I can't wait. Another thing I can't wait for is to try the different foods there. They advertised Thai, Korean, and all sorts of other foods. I have been wanting to try a lot of them so maybe this is my chance. I think my son will love the rides. I'm not sure if we will stay there for the fireworks. It's supposed to have one of the biggest displays on the island but I know it will be so crowded. I guess we will have to see. I'm thinking that we won't head over until just before hubby has flag duty that way we aren't there all day and we can spend time enjoying all the fun stuff afterwards. Either way it will be fun.
This will be the first year in a long time that we are really celebrating. Last year he was in Iraq and I didn't really get to do anything. The year before that he was in AIT so we didn't get to celebrate either. I'm really looking forward to this. It's going to be fun. I'm finding I'm much more patriotic since he joined the military. I guess I just get it more now. The coolest thing about tomorrow is that the concerts and fireworks are being broadcast live to the soldiers in Iraq. One of the big divisions here is deployed so they are trying to do something special for it. Family members of the deployed soldiers are really getting a lot of benefits tomorrow as well. I'm glad they will be. It really seems to make a difference when the bigger units are deployed. They did very little when my husband's unit was deployed. Oh well. Progress is a good thing.
Ok so I must have a rambling problem today. I'm going to go find something better to do with my time.
It's been a nice weekend. Friday was my birthday but the celebrating started the night before. Thursday night my sister took me to see Nancy drew. I absolutely loved the movie. It was so cute and funny. I really hope they do another one.
Friday I spent the day running errands with my sister. I'm not going to say this was my ideal way to spend my day, but she was having contractions and didn't really need to be out alone. We went to Dave and Busters for dinner then to Fun Factory for a little while. I ate a lot of things my body isn't used to anymore so by the time we were finishing up at fun factory I was feeling pretty rough. I had a horrible time sleeping that night.
Saturday I spent the day sleeping and hanging out with my men. It was nice. I have a lot to do today. I need to get some cleaning around the house done but I told my sister I would come help her out a little. Her boyfriend is coming home today or tomorrow and she really can't clean much. I hate to say this but I really don't want to go help her. I mean I want to help but I just feel like lately I am always with her trying to keep her entertained or whatever. I'm ready for some me time.
I'm also ready for my son to go back to school. I've loved having him home but he just needs to go back to school. I know he is missing it. He and I are going to start working on school stuff this week. He has had enough free time that a little work isn't going to hurt him.
I'm not as horrible as I'm seeming. I'm just cranky or something. I don't know. Hopefully the day will be better. It is just getting started after all.
Friday I spent the day running errands with my sister. I'm not going to say this was my ideal way to spend my day, but she was having contractions and didn't really need to be out alone. We went to Dave and Busters for dinner then to Fun Factory for a little while. I ate a lot of things my body isn't used to anymore so by the time we were finishing up at fun factory I was feeling pretty rough. I had a horrible time sleeping that night.
Saturday I spent the day sleeping and hanging out with my men. It was nice. I have a lot to do today. I need to get some cleaning around the house done but I told my sister I would come help her out a little. Her boyfriend is coming home today or tomorrow and she really can't clean much. I hate to say this but I really don't want to go help her. I mean I want to help but I just feel like lately I am always with her trying to keep her entertained or whatever. I'm ready for some me time.
I'm also ready for my son to go back to school. I've loved having him home but he just needs to go back to school. I know he is missing it. He and I are going to start working on school stuff this week. He has had enough free time that a little work isn't going to hurt him.
I'm not as horrible as I'm seeming. I'm just cranky or something. I don't know. Hopefully the day will be better. It is just getting started after all.