Who flipped the switch and how do I find it?
10/06/2006 04:51:00 AM | Author: Simply Jen
My son has been really good this week. I mean really good. No screaming fits just because. No telling me no every time I ask him to do something. He actually does what I say the first time most of the time and if he doesn't and I repeat it, he does it without having a melt down. I have no idea what the sudden change is. Two things have changed in his world. He hasn't had school all week and his aunt moved out. Well this may sound mean, but I think it's more the last one. My sister was very hard on him. I mean he was dishing out the bad but it was like he had to walk on eggshells just to keep her from yelling at him. Trust me, we are all much more relaxed and getting along better now that she's not here. Still I'm waiting for him to go back to the rebellious hellion he was before. Trust me, he was bad before she got here and actually got better when she was first here. I think we all just needed a break. I don't see how sisters can live together more than a few months without getting on each others nerves.
It's been a blessing that my little man is behaving so well. I've been extremely tired for a while. It started Saturday. My cold is a lot better but I still feel so drained. If it doesn't get any better, I'm going to talk to my doctor about it when I go for my leg next week. I don't know if antibiotics can do this or what. I'm just tired of being so tired. I literally could sleep all day if my son wasn't here. As it is, I will doze off on the couch off and on through the day. I know I sound like a horrible parent but he's always right beside me playing. He will wake me from the dozing often because he needs help with something he's doing or just to talk to me and I never get mad. I still play with him and things, but it's not the same. I was worried at first that it might be the depression thing coming back, but I've been doing so amazingly well in that department that I don't see how it could be. I am too excited and just generally happy other than my illness so I don't think that has anything to do with it. I'm so far from where I was then. So far. I just need to figure this out so I can get my life back. I actually want to do things..I just can't. It's driving me nuts.
All in all, things seem to be looking up. I'm not going to get too used to it though. Just when I did, it would change. I'm just going to enjoy the moment.
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