9/10/2006 09:50:00 PM | Author: Simply Jen
I'm seeing several people talking about what the were doing on 9/11 or just general reflecting about it so I thought I would do a little discussing of it myself. I have to say that my life has changed immensely since that day.
I remember that day. My husband had the day off and we spent the morning sleeping. When we finally woke up, he went and got some food while I worked on folding clothes or something like that. My son was not quite a year old and was taking a nap or something when my husband walked in the door. He had this look on his face that scared me to my core. My first thought was that he had a wreck or something but he told me that we were attacked. I didn't know what he meant and he was having a hard time getting the words out so he turned on the tv. We sat there and watched in horror as they recapped the events of the day. I remember crying. I remember being scared because I didn't know what would be next. I also remember being terrified for my family because they live in a high risk area for terrorist attacks. This next part, I find very ironic. I remember us being scared that there would be a draft and he would have to go overseas. I remember being worried that I would be left alone to raise my son while he went off to a war that hadn't even been declared yet. That thought kept me up for several nights in a row.
How odd that I sit here five years later doing just that only he wasn't drafted. He volunteered. He signed up for this journey knowing he would have to go there. How things change over years. I love him. I am proud of him for doing what he felt led to do even though I'd rather not be here right now without him, but I am still proud of him. I admit that 9/11 touched me, but didn't give me an immediate sense of patriotism. It scared me more than anything. It wasn't until family members started going off to war that I became patriotic and then my husband joined and that seemed to push it up there. It just all seemed to make more sense then. I know that sounds stupid, but it's just the way it was for me.
Now I sit here waiting to see what the next five years hold for us as a country and a family.
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On 12:27 AM, September 24, 2006 , Anonymous said...

i feel so many of the statements you made. I sit here watching my copy of Flight 93 and i'm just weeping. My husband of 3 months was in S.Korea on that day, and he called to wake me and his MIL to alert us of the potential danger to us. I didn't think much of it then....but i do now. Now he's gone to where he might not come back from and i feel you. Good luck to both our families.