I have had a few deccent days. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and he was amazing and very helpful. Hopefully, things will be a lot better soon. I've been having fun with my sister. Yesterday we drove around a good bit of the island's shoreline and i think she really enjoyed it.Last night I was able to get 7 hours sleep which is obscene for me, but oh it felt so nice. I also let my sister cut and color my hair last night. She is not a stylist but she does a darn good job usually. She wants to go to school to become one, but i'm not sure if she ever will. I'm going to put up some pictures of my hair before and after. The picture quality sucks because of the lighting so you can't see the hair color difference, but it's there. It's not really a big difference anyway. the cut is the big difference. Please ignore the lopsided smile or the eye fact that my eyes look different. It really is getting much better.
I'm sorry, not much more to say right now. Hopefully I'll be back to my rambling self very soon.

That looks so good on you!