Today has been very emotional for me, so much more than I thought it would be. We had decided a week or two ago that I would just cook some gumbo because my husband didn't want turkey and I didn't really want all the leftovers. I was fine with it and really was fine with everything. Today I woke up and came downstairs doing my usual online morning routine and a mouse ran across the room. I hate mice!!! I can handle any bug you throw my way but keep rodents away. It ran out the open door we think so I'm ok now, but for some reason that little mouse in my house made me break down sobbing. In about two seconds I went from being perfectly fine to extremely homesick and wanting to go back to SC. If I'm this upset today, I can't even imagine how I'm going to deal with Christmas. At least today my husband was home.
I had to go this afternoon to get my bandages changed and they told me to take a pain pill ahead of time because it could be a painful process. Because of this, I have spent the entire day doped up. One pill that is only supposed to last 4 hours or so and I'm still dragging. I ended up not cooking the gumbo because I don't feel like eating and honestly don't have the strength. I hate medicine. I think tomorrow I'm going to suck it up and just hurt a little. We will see.
A few minutes before writing this I was reading a friend of mine's blog and I was so amazed at how much in love she and her husband are. I guess the amazing part is that they have not been together in at least a year and seem so much in tune with what each other needs and so much about each other. It is so awesome to know that is possible. I really needed that today.
Even though it was an emotional day it helped me to see just how much I am truly thankful for. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who followed me around all afternoon making sure I didn't land on my face or break anything. I am thankful for my son who has behaved two days in a row and who makes me smile so much just by looking at me. I know he will be my rock over the next year. I am so thankful for my family that is far away, but still close in heart. I am also thankful for my friends who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers throughout the entire biopsy/result process and in getting ready with the upcoming deployment. I am thankful that I have wonderful medical coverage. I am thankful that I have a house to be upset about a mouse invading, some of my family members lost that with the hurricane. I hope that everyone was able to find at least one thing to be thankful for today. Sometimes we have to look extra hard, but it's there.